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Overdue from last month, but you'll probably see why. This is a long chapter; about twice my standard length. Chapter 41 will be even longer, which I'll be posting before the month's end, then I'll be on my writing hiatus until the holidays are over.

Not to say I won't be writing anything in that time, but I'll be not holding myself to my usual schedule because other things will occupy that time in ways I can't predict. Expect no GaG2 entries to Patreon until January.


Chapter 40.doc

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Marcus Thompson

Appreciate the longer chapter! I enjoyed it quite a bit. I really like tempest as a pred because she adds a new dynamic of eating to survive as opposed to just eating to get fat. Hera’s only hope is the robot tracking her down, but at the rate she’s being digested it’s highly unlikely 😅. Looking forward to the next!


Going to bet that Hera will escape in time. Now to wait for her rescue to happen.