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In Guts and Glory 2, I'm going to significantly change the lore behind the reason Vault 113 has more than one man eating person.

So the healing serum was among many that the vault used to employ, but it was banned years ago. However the genetic mutation has persisted through generations and is frequently rediscovered. Jasmine is one such tub of lard who rediscovered these abilities.

If you stumble on any chapters which contradict this, please let me know so I can fix them.


Kenneth McMullen

what was the previous explanation?


Previously, it was just that the serum was one of many given out, and that wasn't really something that made sense to me. Vault 113 is a test bed for genetic augment serums like those seen in Fallout 76. But these mutations can persist through a bloodline, so if someone got a banned serum generations ago, their descendants would still have the mutation.