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Since we're short on the $750 typically needed to keep on schedule with the comic, this may negatively affect the schedule of future releases.

Right now we still have lots of buffer before I start running into delays, since the artists have done very well to keep on schedule, and the new weekly release dates have given more wiggle room, but I'm just warning you guys now that if the goal continues to be missed over the following months, it will eventually cause delays.

Remember, you are allowed to share the comics privately with friends. I only ask that you encourage them to come support the content if they like what they see. Or, maybe consider giving a little extra this month? Though, times are tough, so I totally understand if you can't. No need to tell me if this is the case. I get it, trust me.

I think we lost a bunch of patrons based in Russia, since Paypal and Patreon are cutting them off due to ongoing sanctions. It's tragic how the world is right now, although let's not get into the bitter politics of it on my comments section please. I don't want to talk about that stuff here.

Stay safe everyone, wherever you are in the world.

P.S. "Russian warship, go @#$% yourself."


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