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Contains major spoilers if you haven't finished the original story in case it wasn't entirely obvious. :U

This is something I'm showing to all Patrons, as I am unsure how much progress I will do on it, or if I will even continue this at all. So give your feedback if you want to see more.

The idea of this is a direct continuation of Fallout: Guts and Glory which may or may not be canonical to the overall timeline, or Guts and Glory 2 for that matter. Right now both this story and Guts and Glory 2 are sort of "what if" scenarios.

Where Guts and Glory 2 is primarily focused on Violet and Zuzen's kids, Guts and Glory 1½ is still about the original main group.

I currently offer no promises of how often I intend to work on this. For now, I'm just showing off. This idea was born out of a commission someone asked of me, where in the original commission, it starts and ends in the span of about 20 pages. This is a different version of that commission where the story doesn't end so abruptly. Maybe I'll use this series as a chance to let commissioners play with various alternate endings by their request, wherein a change of one or two details butterflies to very different results.

Tell me what you think of this, and even though I am not formally taking ideas right now, feel free to throw ideas and requests down below. I like thinking about them.


Episode 1.doc

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You... are right. Should i delete my comment since it isn't necessary then ?


I mean you don't have to. I wasn't offended or anything, just puzzled and concerned.

Marcus Thompson

I personally really enjoyed this chapter. It’s nice to see the background of what happened in between the first and second story seeing that you only mentioned briefly what happened to everyone at the start of GaG2. Although I would be lying if I said I wasn’t secretly hoping Amelia would get added to violet’s thighs 😅


Well Amelia isn't around in GaG2 so anything is possible. :o Although I might also go "lol" and take this story in a totally different direction. Depends on my mood. Maybe this is the timeline where Amelia eats everybody and gets super fat and tall. :P

Marcus Thompson

Hey that would be a pretty entertaining turns of events too! I wouldn’t mind it lol. I’m sure I’ll enjoy whatever direction you decide to take.

Marcus Thompson

How come the link no longer works on this?