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Tempest is currently a muscular survivalist Deathclaw with a bit of a sociopath streak. She is a former Enclave soldier who was developed as part of Project Jasher. She is also second generation Deathclaw hybrid, as is her brother Mason, but Mason is far more human-like in his demeanor, actively resisting his Deathclaw instincts. Tempest is (SPOILERS AHEAD) responsible for the death of at least one character Rorik when she traps him in a snare and eats him, eventually digesting him overnight. (SPOILERS END) Tempest is a dangerous character who may be responsible for many character deaths before the story is over, potentially up to and including the entire cast.

What I want to determine is if this character is good as she is, or we should change her. Reply to comments that have the same opinion as you, make new comments for entirely different opinions please.

First off, I'm going to change her name, at least. Tempest is now just a code name. Andromeda or Anna is her real name.

Next, what do you think of her body type? Do you like the well toned physique getting padded out by prey over time? Or do you want something else? Post your feedback below in the comments please!

Is her personality of being cruelly pragmatic good? Should she be more regretful? More sultry? More motherly? More cruel? More apathetic? More bubbly? Post your thoughts and feelings on this too please.

Help me build Tempest (Andromeda) as a character. I want her to represent the opinions of the audience. We're going to do a vault dweller next.



To start with, I like the body type. Muscular that eventually softens up as she eats more. Curious as to weather or not she would enjoy it or complain about it, but if I'm recalling her right, I think she'd do a bit of both. Appreciate the extra heft while griping about how hard it is to do certain things. Secondly, the personality. I have a suggestion for that. She's mercilessly pragmatic, however, as she softens up, she no longer feels the absolute need to feed as often. If they're foolish enough to willingly go down her throat, or get too fresh, she will absolutely eat them without remorse, but I feel like her drawing that pragmatism from necessity will naturally lead to a softening of character alongside her softening of figure. If you're looking for a suggestion on weather or not she would end all of them, I think that should play out based on who she eats when she's more voracious, and if the flirty/dumb/clingy ones are the last in the group. If she is fond of one of them, but she isn't that soft yet, she'll probably still eat them, maybe a little regretful. But if she's thick, and likes them, no. But, thick or thin, if they mess with her, she feeds on them. Pragmatic, but not ruthlessly cruel.

Marcus Thompson

I pretty much agree with this idea as well. I don’t like the idea of her being some cruel monster that feels no remorse when she digests someone, but if it’s like what happened with Rorik then I understand. I also like that she at least tries to respect her brother’s wishes and even though she had a chance to do the same to amber, she refrained from doing it.


Alright, so it sounds like I've already got a pretty good idea on how to do the character. I might change some things to emphasize it's just survival and it's not her being openly cruel. Rorik will *probably* still get ate, or maybe it'll be someone else, but either way, this will make her more approachable later. I might change her inner thought process for when she has the chance to eat Amber but decides not to take it.


Keep her more on the fit side and I don't see her as a huge threat to the kids (even though she is only one of two that has managed to end one). I feel that she is a character that will not let someone out just to be nice she doesn't eat for fun playfull vorish pleasure she plays for keeps. That might also mean she is more careful, and will not take the idea of being eaten lightly. She might see the kids games of lightly digesting each other as crazy and see them as very foolish. She should remain serious and not as flirty, especially with the idea of eating people. I don't feel it would be in her character to just off the kids because she is vore obsessed, but i can see her flipping the table on one of the kids that try to eat her maybe just for fun... but she takes it very seriously.