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I'm having a positively dreadful amount of trouble with this chapter that is preventing me from moving forward. I'm therefore revisiting some earlier chapters in the meantime to try to get a better grip of my vision on the characters, as well as their motivations.

Expect a re-release of some of the first chapters at some point in the next couple of months. I've had to totally rewrite some stuff. I don't like Roxanne's passive personality, and I don't like how Gwen feels like just a copypaste of Amber, and I don't like that Hera has no interesting conflict with her character arc.

I am not sure when this writer's block will end but I assure you that I am not being idle in the meantime despite my repeated statements that I'll eventually take a one month break from GaG 2. :U Maybe next month I'll take that break.


Marcus Thompson

Does that mean chapter 36 will be out soon?


Weird, I thought I posted 36. I guess the answer is yes! I'll post it in a day or two once I revise it. Been so focused on other chapters.

Marcus Thompson

No I totally understand. I appreciate all the hard work! I know you’ve been saying you’ve had writers block but I’ve really enjoyed the story so far up to this point, but I do agree with your points about the characters