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The rate at which I am able to get these comics done can be a little unpredictable and I feel like I should be offering up a little more continuous output of stuff.

What would it mean if we changed this?

- Five pages a month has the benefit of being slightly more overall work, but it's difficult sometimes to keep to this deadline. Five pages seems to be the limit that any worthwhile artist is capable of doing. Things get wonky in February every year also.

- One page a week is more consistent output of work, plus a little less extreme demand on the artists, but less comic pages overall, although only by a fraction of a page in this case. Technically you still get 4 to 5 pages a month in this way.

The results of this poll will be counted at the end of the month.



Final tally is 7 to keep the current posting setup, 12 votes to switch to one comic page a week. I'll try to implement the new posting cycle starting September.