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The prices on my Patreon are kind of steep in my opinion. They were like that because it was to make up for a lack of people at the beginning of this project. I've revised the prices a couple of time. The $30 tier used to be $60 for example, while the current $5 tier used to be $1 at some point (or maybe it wasn't and I'm just crazy). I've also adjusted what those goals represent.

Although you can buy in once, download all the chapters at the moment, and then bugger off, the people who stick around are the ones who are actively supporting month to month because they want to support my work and the creation of the comic.

That said, I would prefer to lower prices because it means more people can access and enjoy my work sooner than later. I emotionally thrive on the positive comments and sometimes even the negative ones as long as they are offering suggestions on how to better my work. However, if I lower prices and the market isn't there, then I just lose money that could have been put toward making the comic, thus delaying the comic.

At this point I don't know if there's anyone else even left to buy in who is interested enough to consider it. This poll is to try to see if that's accurate.

  • For my first price change to happen ($5 -> $1) I would need five times as many people willing to buy on. You can already see the problem. That's a substantial multiplication that probably won't happen. Still, I'll ask and see.
  • For my second price change to happen ($30 -> $20)  I would only need only a third more patrons for that tier willing to jump on.

This is ultimately a gamble based on the results of this poll. The more people who say they are willing to buy in will make me more likely to change the prices, but I'll also have to change them back if I turn out to be wrong and not enough people actually join in. So, yeah, don't use vote bots or underhanded methods to get votes just for your own singular benefit. It'll make the prices drop for one month and then I'll have to put them back. That would just cock up the whole process and delay the comic. :( But otherwise, don't be afraid to share with friends.

I might also consider other incrementally lower prices so as to have a less dramatic impact. Maybe adjust the goals so that prices universally go down every time I hit that goal. Example: I am making $1000 a month so now it's cheaper for everyone. When we hit $1k again, I lower the prices again, etc. Food for thought.



Based on the feedback I've decided not to alter anything yet.