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 Psychoseby has been recruited to do an issue of Fallout: Guts and Glory.

They're a little costly at $100 a page, but the quality is quite worth it. I was not satisfied in the slightest with what few other auditions have been done so far. Out of the four in total who auditioned, one failed to follow up with their audition and were not paid anything. The second artist did their audition nearly to completion without giving me a pricetag, and only once they were nearly finished said they wanted $120 for quality that isn't even half as good as Psychoseby, so I rejected them outright. (I told them to give me a price before trying to do work, but they chose not to, so whatever, it's their time wasted, not my money wasted.) The last audition did a rough sketch and then vanished for months before even finishing the sketch so I revoked payment.

I was going to do a vote based on which artist you guys liked most, but honestly, I felt like the competition was a joke at this point. We'll try again if we ever have more than one competent artist to compete with each other.

The Patreon goals will be updated to reflect these changes.


Ruby Yanez (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-22 14:05:43 Can't wait for this month's post<3
2019-07-26 00:45:32 Can't wait for this month's post<3

Can't wait for this month's post<3