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To write it, or not to write it? That is the question. :U

I know I just made a post saying I don't really want to continue GaG 2, but I swing in and out of moods to write about them. The story needs a proper plot, and I am struggling to come up with ideas on what exactly to do about that.

I think that if I do continue the story however, I will lower the cost input for it at least for a while. $100 a month is a little absurd unless I can pump out at least two chapters a month, and given my current schedule, that's really not happening. I might knock it down to the $60 tier, and the VIP channel on Discord will also be a place where I can discuss the story.

Hell, maybe even let some of you play as the various characters if you wanna collaborate with me on the story. I already collaborate a lot with Sid on Little Lamia in the Big City. He helps through a lot of writer's block, even if I end up retconning 30 pages of work sometimes because our RP goes in a different direction than what I want the story to do, such as the main character getting sloshed prematurely.

Anyway, I like the characters in Guts and Glory 2, and I don't want to get rid of them, I just can't decide what the hell I want to do with them.


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