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So, for November and December, I can't promise anything for the higher tier rewards. The comic its self will be completed as per the usual schedule now that we're back on track, hopefully without any more delays.

But in regard to side stories, scrapped chapters, side projects, unreleased content, etc, I can't promise that stuff because work is extremely busy. I am an armored truck guard, so I'm the guy who supplies money to all your banks and retail stores, so I don't think I have to tell you more as to why my job gets busy around the holidays.

After the holidays are over, we will resume business as usual.

Feel free to adjust your patron contributions, or don't. Just be aware that if the overall contributions dip below $200, I won't be able to supply you with the usual 5 chapters a month, so I would advise not doing that. :U

That said, I plan to bring ndnode back on board with the project as SeekGr is going to be going away on mandatory military service for their country. That won't happen until late spring/early Summer, though, so worry about that later.


Ruby Yanez

No worry Ace it's understandable I hope things go well *hugs*