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The chapter I am writing for Wanderer rewards is turning out more like a shot story, so it's not done yet, even though it's already like 8 pages long.

This is going to take longer than I had anticipated, but it's coming. I'm very sorry for these constant delays. Work has been kicking my ass.

That said, if you want spoilers to the unfinished product, just to prove I am working on it, it's here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/921zkpjo81a69wl/Commission%20for%20Patreon.doc?dl=0

That said, you will probably enjoy it more if you wait for the final version. This one has many mistakes and is subject to potentially drastic changes.


Ruby Yanez

It's ok Ace I know that feeling man I have to deal with college and work. So no rush ok :)