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Chapter 3 is now finished! Although we narrowly missed our goal of 7 pages a month (5 by SeekGr and 2 by Ndnode), there was enough money on the side that had been accumulating that allowed me to just buy the extra two chapters, and SeekGr had enough time this once to do 7 pages instead of the usual 5.

However, this was likely a one-time deal and I don't want to burn SeekGr out.

Meanwhile, I know NdNode is available for more work, but I don't want him to start work on the next chapter then suddenly we have no more money because somebody dropped out. As a result, I've changed the Patreon goals accordingly.

So from now on, if the Patreon funding supports at least five pages, SeekGr will do additional pages if they have the time that month. If not, I keep the money for later, and let it build up until I can dump it all at once to help finish a chapter faster.

For example...

Let's say we have enough money for seven chapters, but SeekGr can only do their agreed maximum of five that month. I set aside the extra $120 for later. Now let's say this happens again. Now I have $480. And so on and so on. Eventually, say this happens a total of 15 or 16 times. I now have $960 set aside collecting dust. I'll dump that money all at once on NdNode or another artist who will then do an entire chapter over the course of a few months.

On the other hand, let's say we have enough money for seven chapters, and SeekGr can do all seven during the month. We just get the seven chapters right away!

But now let's say we can pay for eight chapters. I'll just have SeekGr do five, and NdNode do the other three. At least now if somebody drops out last minute, NdNode probably will still be doing the other two pages until his chapter is done.

Is this making sense? Does this seem fair? Leave your feedback below if you have questions, comments, or complaints.

In the mean time, I'm going to start writing up the script for Chapter 4!


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