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Hello! this post who are support gold tire reward can see that.

So you know I change the reward to "You can bring your originalcharacter or some character that you want. I will use it to draw a side character for a main character. (if your Lifetime Support is over $100)".

If you get my message, you can bring your character to me.

I got so many question to me what is it and how, Let see the question.

Q: What is it mean that I can give my original character or my fursona to you draw me to artpacks ?
A: Let me explain. It mean I want you permission your character can appear to my work! All of "original theme" you are Minor character to do something the main character or to be Extra character.  However, some Fanart I can use your character to be  Minor/character character too!

Ok, I expand for this picture.

Kouya from Morenatsu is main character (winner for the poll) and Tatsuki is side character.

Magic binding theme. The green dragon is main character and the magician is side character.

You can in the blue ring.

Q: I want to know when my character appear to your artwork ?
A: I random the character to appear to my art. However, If the poll that you know what character/theme I will draw it. You can massage to me for spacial fanart/theme that you want. But normally, I random.

So, if you support longtime, I will choose mush more frequent.

Q: How do you know I support you over $100?
A: Ahhh, I don't know how you to check it by yourself. but I can check you because the system can bring the data to me and conclude how many you are life support.

For example.

I will check your profile and see how many of lifetime support.

If you over $100. I will send you message to you to lend your character.

Q: If I don't have my chracter ?
A: You can bring one of fanart character to me.

Q: If I don't give my character to you ?
A: Don't worry, If you comfortable to not give me, that is ok. You have a many vote and more point. and some spacial reward you can get it too!

Q: For the gold tier, right ?
A: Yes, it is.

Q: Is it a raffle ?
A: No, because everyone who are gold tier and lifetime over $100 can get this reward but I will design my work for use them.

Q: If I other tier before and I change to gold tier, I can bring my character to you ?
A: If you change tier, You need the system to charge your payment first, And if your pay to the system, I will ask for the character to you. But  lifetime must over $100.

Q: I bought the digital files on Primodrago's Sellfy, Is it counts too?
A: No, Sellfy and Patreon is not a same site. I see the lifetime on Patreon system only.

Q: Please tell about How many I can bring my character or fanart to you ?
A: Choose one of two
1. You can bring 1-3 your characters/original.
2. You can suggest 1 fanart character to me.

Q:  If I were to drop for a month and re-pledge a month later. would that reset the counter?
A:  If you drop for some month, I will not use your character. However, If you come back, I  may still use your character again because Lifetime Support is not reset by Patreon.


OK, That is a question that I saw it. I know that is a new one you never see before who do that. It is spacial reward that I can draw your character to my work if you permission to bring to me.

If you have any question or comment, please leave the comment to this post.

I hope you like the new tier reward.

- Primodrago


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