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The room was illuminated by the screen that showed a recording of a certain pair of girls undergoing their bestial transformation in one of the two's room. They were Sumire and Shiho, having found themselves transforming together tonight, in addition, the two were kissing in the bed as their bodies let out cracks and their bodies became toned under their fur.

The one who watched this was a much smaller girl, and very excited by this, Futaba stroked her crotch furiously as she witnessed this tender transformation. "Mm... Ah~... Yeah, Shiho, show her who's the alpha while you're at it!" Futaba smiled as Shiho was being rough with Sumire, kissing and rubbing each other breasts and nipples.

Futaba is a fan of werewolves for a long time. She watched many movies and shows related to them. What she liked the most were the transformations, especially the long and painful ones. It was hard to explain why, but Futaba found it sexy whenever she saw a person turning into a beast.

Even before she joined the Phantom Thieves, she noticed how Ann and Makoto showed signs of having lycanthropy. The most prominent one being looking for ways to split and find a safe place to transform when the full moon hangs in the sky.

Realizing that, Futaba's excitement grew as she placed more small cameras and bugs, allowing her to finally witness a real werewolf transformation. She saw how Ann transformed in a way that turned her on. Ann was in pain as her body contorted, tearing her clothes, her body becoming muscular, and the howling filled the room.

Futaba kept watching these transformations from various angles, taking in all the hot details of the process. The curse having spread through the girl's social circle meant even more transformations for Futaba to watch. It was very curious

After Futaba solved her own problems and joined the Phantom Thieves, the transformations seemed even better to her. Knowing her friends before they transformed only made Futaba more immersed when she watched them turn. Seeing her friends being so sexy and hot or cute made her even more excited and horny when Futaba sees them in the recordings.

Futaba hadn't told them that she knew about everyone's lycanthropy. Revealing her knowledge could lead to being kink-shamed, plus the fact that she had been watching them turn without their consent.

However, there wasn't much to worry about. Futaba wasn't a snitch, and she hadn't been exposed. The girls had never found her cameras and microphones.

Going back to the scene, Futaba was incredibly turned on as she watched Shiho and Sumire, now mostly covered in fur, their muscles grown to the max, and their bodies wolf-like. Shiho was about to connect with Sumire when the recording suddenly went black, and the video ended.

Futaba let out a frustrated "Huh?!" She checked the progress bar and realized the recording was over. She cursed, "Dammit! Just when it was getting so good... I should have installed bugs in their phones and not just cameras in their rooms..."

Futaba sighed, feeling a bit disappointed, but at least she had the recordings of the other girls from tonight. Perhaps one of them would have pent-up tension that they would want to release.

Futaba then played another recording that had just completed a few minutes ago. This one featured Haru, one of the new additions to the team. She was turning into a cute and fluffy werewolf just after she took a bath. This, of course, made the werewolf fan quite happy.

After her legs gave out, Futaba let out one more moan and then rested her back in the chair. "Man... I love werewolves..." she whispered before receiving a PM from a friend on the internet, a user named Lucius Lupus, who shared the same love for werewolves as Futaba did.

"Happy full moon," Lucius wrote, which made Futaba grin. "Yeah, right now there must be many werewolves howling right now hehe."

Futaba had met this girl in one of the many communities about werewolves. Lucius had the exact same likes, dislikes, and kinks as her. So the two of them chatted in private and had fun discussing this fetish they both loved.

"Indeed, Alibaba," Lucius replied, "By the way, have you drawn another TF?" Futaba smirked and pinned a file in the next reply.

In the chat, an artwork was displayed—a blonde girl who seemed to be inspired by Ann, on all fours with torn clothes hanging on her muscular chest. Her hands and feet had turned into paws, and her expression showed primal anger. Of course, Futaba had made her breasts quite large.

Lucius sent heart emojis. "I'm loving the progress so far. You are very talented in drawing, and you know how werewolves are supposed to look like when they are transforming." Futaba chuckled, feeling proud of herself. "Thanks, you know how much I like them."


Futaba's mind started to drift into a daydream as she continued her conversation with Lucius. She imagined once more what it would feel like to undergo that transformation, the rush of power as her body shifted and changed. The thought of her clothes tearing as her muscles grew and her bones rearranged fascinated her.

She wondered about the sensation of fur sprouting from her skin, the sensation of her hands turning into powerful paws, and her senses becoming heightened. The idea of letting out a primal howl under the full moon's glow filled her with a mix of excitement and curiosity.

As Futaba daydreamed, Lucius sent another message, breaking her thoughts. "Hey, do you remember that video of the girl turning into a werewolf? The one I sent you years ago?"

Futaba quickly remembered the recording—of a girl with short gray hair undressing and going through the transformation. Lucius had shared it with her years ago when they first met online. At first, Futaba had found it incredibly well done, but she had a hard time believing it was real. Eventually, though, she came to believe Lucius's claim that it was genuine.

"Yeah, I remember," Futaba replied, her curiosity piqued. Lucius's next message made her pause. "What if I told you that I was that girl?"

Futaba was taken aback by the revelation and quickly typed a response, her fingers almost stumbling over the keys. "Wait, what do you mean?"

Lucius sent the video again, causing Futaba's heart to race. Lucius typed below, "My name is Fuuka Yamagishi, and I've been a werewolf for a long time."

As Futaba processed the information, Lucius, who was actually Fuuka, continued typing. She explained that she had lost her ability to turn into a werewolf for some time. That's when Fuuka had met Futaba in the werewolf fandom on the internet.

Fuuka admitted that Futaba had been an enjoyable partner to talk to, and they had expressed their mutual love for werewolves, even in more intimate ways. So, after some time, Fuuka had sent that video because she trusted her friend. That's when the younger Futaba was left bewildered, realizing that the werewolves she had been so fascinated by were real all along.

*Futaba couldn't believe it, but she accepted Fuuka's confirmation that this was indeed real.

Fuu-chan, are you serious?" Futaba asked in disbelief.

Fuuka typed a reassuring "Yes, I am."

As she continued to chat with Fuuka, Futaba's desire to become a werewolf herself grew stronger. She felt left out, watching all her friends, both in real life and on the internet, experience the thrilling transformations while she could only observe.

Feeling a mix of frustration and longing, Futaba told herself, "I can't keep watching from the sidelines. I want to experience it too."

Fuuka then typed one more time, "I have to go for my ritual now. Take care, Futaba Sakura."

Futaba caught up to the reveal and the many ideas that crossed her mind, giving no thought to the fact that she knew her name, replied "Good night, Fuuka. And thanks for sharing this with me. Take care!"

The girl didn't even bother to undress as she now lays in her bed, her mind consumed by the idea of becoming a werewolf, as she planned her next move for the upcoming full moon. Determined and unwavering, she was ready to do whatever it took to make her dream a reality alongside her friends.


A month passed since the night Futaba had become resolute in her mission to become a werewolf. Her chance finally arrived in the form of a new challenge for the Phantom Thieves.

A new version of the Metaverse had emerged, with differences such as navigating "jails" instead of palaces and targeting the hearts of "Monarchs." The situation was intense. After defeating their second Monarch and breaking the chains of the jail in Sendai, the gang set off in their journey to Sapporo.


In the city, the gang decided to take a break and headed to a bathhouse for some much-needed relaxation.

Inside of the bathhouse, Ann, Shiho, and Sumire walked together towards the hot springs, with only towels covering their bodies.

Ann smiled warmly at them and chimed in, "Hey, don't forget tonight's a full moon."

Shiho and Sumire exchanged glances and nodded in acknowledgment. With a shared look of reassurance, Shiho and Sumire exchanged smiles, a faint blush tinting Sumire's cheeks.

Shiho gently reminded Sumire, "I'll be there with you," and Sumire warmly held her hand, nodding saying "I know"

As they reached the hot springs, they noticed Makoto and Haru already in the warm water. The two friends waved at the trio, and Haru greeted them with a smile. However, she appeared somewhat nervous after a conversation with Makoto.

The trio joined Haru and Makoto in the warm water, dropping their towels and settling in for a relaxing soak in the hot springs.

Makoto and Haru had spent a considerable amount of time together in their shared dorm before embarking on this journey, which had allowed them to discover each other's secrets. They had their own plans for the upcoming full moon after their bath.

They all chatted for a while, and Futaba walked into the area with a smile of her own. "Sup!" She greeted them and then stepped into the water, joining her friends who were all destined to undergo their transformations tonight.

The girls continued to bathe, a mix of emotions swirling within them. Some felt anxious, others nervous, and then there was Futaba, her gaze fixed intently on the setting sun, hoping that the orb would descend quickly, bringing forth the awaited transformation under the moon's glow.


Eventually, the girls stood up, their true intention veiled behind their words as they prepared to leave for their respective destinations.

Ann smiled, "Well, we better get going. The mall awaits!"

Makoto nodded, "And we have some city exploring to do."

Shiho and Sumire exchanged a look before Shiho said, "Let's have a good time tonight, Sumi."

Sumire smiled and nodded, "Definitely."

Futaba, still filled with excitement, chimed in, "I'll head back with the guys." however, her real intention was another.

With their plans set, the girls bid each other goodbye and headed off, each with their own thoughts and desires for the night ahead.

With their plans set, the group parted ways, each with their own thoughts and desires for the night ahead.

As the group splits, Futaba weighed her options carefully on which group to follow. Ultimately, she made up her mind and decided to follow Haru and Makoto, who were heading towards the woods in a different route.

Haru and Makoto continued their walk towards the forest, unaware that Futaba was closely following them. The air grew cooler as they ventured deeper into the woods, the anticipation in the atmosphere matching the beating of Futaba's heart.

As they journeyed further, the sky gradually darkened, the canopy of trees blocking out the last remnants of daylight. Nightfall had arrived, the full moon slowly raising which casts its silvery glow over the forest.

Makoto and Haru eventually came to a halt, exchanging a glance as they looked around.

Haru's voice broke the silence, her tone tinged with nervousness. "I think we've gone far enough," she said, her eyes fixed on the surroundings.

Makoto nodded in agreement, her expression a mix of anticipation and determination. "Yes, this should be a good spot."

They exchanged a reassuring smile oblivious that Futaba was observing the scene from behind a tree.

Haru's gaze remained fixed on the full moon rising above the trees, Makoto placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, offering her a calming smile. "Haru, it's okay. This is your fourth full moon, remember? You've done this before, and you know what to expect."

Despite Makoto's words of reassurance, Haru's nervousness was evident. "I know, Makoto. But it's still... overwhelming."

Makoto squeezed her shoulder gently. "I understand. Just take a few deep breaths and focus on those feelings. Let its energy flow through you."

Haru nodded, her grip on her top tightening slightly. She closed her eyes, taking Makoto's advice to heart and trying to steady herself. The anticipation of the transformation was both thrilling and daunting, and as the moon's light continued to bathe the forest, she prepared herself for the changes to come.

Futaba watched in a mixture of excitement and anticipation as her friends began to undress. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she couldn't help but talk to herself in hushed tones, her voice filled with excitement.

"Wow, it's really happening," she whispered, her eyes fixed on the scene unfolding before her.

As Haru and Makoto undressed, Futaba's attention was drawn the bodies that soon would change. Haru's body was a combination of cute and hot, with a slender yet curvaceous figure.

Makoto, on the other hand, had a more toned physique. Her athletic build was accentuated as she removed her clothes, revealing defined muscles giving off an air of strength. Her determination was evident in the way she held herself, ready for the transformation ahead.

Makoto's figure was distinct from Haru's. She had smaller breasts compared to Haru, but she had a nice ass and a more noticeable curve in her hips.

But with Haru having those amazing and round pair made it harder for the girl to decide who had the best bod.

As Haru continued to focus on the feelings, her breathing became more rapid, and her nervousness began to escalate. She felt herself hyperventilating, the combination of excitement and anxiety taking its toll on her composure.

Makoto, beside her, felt a similar rush of emotions but managed to maintain her calm demeanor. She placed a reassuring hand on Haru's back, offering silent support.

However, the tension in the air reached a breaking point as Haru suddenly let out a startled scream. Her body doubled over, and the sound of cracking bones filled the forest, echoing through the trees. The transformation had begun.

For Futaba, this was her first time witnessing a transformation in person, and the sight before her left her both mesmerized and deeply excited. As Haru's cries filled the air, the enchanting spectacle of her hands stretching, her back bulking, and her body changing captivated Futaba.

With Makoto's groans, Futaba's focus shifted to her friend, who gracefully moved onto all fours. Her back became much more muscular and her spine became more pronounced, Makoto let out growls as her teeth sharpened.

As Futaba watched, her excitement and longing grew more intense at the sight of her two beautiful friends transforming. Unable to contain her excitement, Futaba found herself rubbing her own breasts through her clothes, the touch sending shivers down her spine and causing her to let out an involuntary but quiet moan. The line between anticipation and reality blurred as she continued to immerse herself in the experience.

Watching Haru's body continue to change, her fangs quickly grew, and her soft chest was covered in fur, Futaba couldn't help but mutter to herself, "This is so hot."

Her gaze then shifted to Makoto again, her form became more muscular and bigger, and the groans that escaped Makoto's lips made her look more bestial.

Despite the intense temptation and arousal she was feeling, Futaba knew she needed to stay focused on her plan. With great determination, she began to undress, removing her clothes one piece at a time.

Her heart raced as each cloth fell to the ground, her body now exposed to the cool night air. The anticipation of what was to come, and the desire to join her friends in their transformation, fueled her actions as she prepared herself for the next step in her plan.

Turning her attention back to Haru and Makoto, Futaba watched as their transformations progressed even further. The sight of their pointy ears and the increasing amount of fur that covered their bodies was mesmerizing.

As a tail began to grow, Haru's groans became even louder, her struggle to resist the transformation both tingling and endearing to witness.

Their muzzles began to grow, their heads shifting and reshaping as they let out growls and roars. The transformation was reaching its peak, and the once-human sounds of cries and whines ceased.

Finally, as their changes seemed to reach completion, they both let out powerful howls.

Futaba watched in awe, but as she saw them embrace their newfound forms, she reminded herself of her own desire to be part of this supernatural world. "Ok... how do I get their attention?" With a mixture of excitement and nervousness, she got on all fours and began to crawl out from her hiding spot in the trees. It is admittedly awkward to do rather than just walking there, but surely this would get their attention, right?

"Hehehe I know this is risky but this was the plan, being bitten. And I know that they are the right people to give me the curse, I mean, a werewolf Haru must be like her usual self, right?" Despite knowing that was a risk, she's moving forward.

As Futaba slowly and nervously crawled closer, Haru and Makoto, their wolf-like senses heightened by the transformation, heard her approach. Their long ears perked up, and they turned their heads in her direction, their eyes glowing in the dark.

Haru let out a low growl, a mixture of curiosity and caution. Makoto, on the other hand, stared at Futaba with a steady gaze, although the thought of her coming here...

"Hiya girls~" Futaba greeted the transformed werewolves with a nervous yet eager smile.

With a bold and playful spirit, she turned her backside towards them, lifting her ass up and wiggling it suggestively. Her voice trembled slightly as she spoke, "You wouldn't want to bite me and curse me, would you?"

Futaba's heart raced as she held her breath, awaiting their response.

Makoto continued to stare at Futaba, her expression unreadable. It seemed as if she were scoffing at the playful suggestion, maintaining her calm and controlled demeanor.

On the other hand, Haru's gaze took on a more predatory edge as she looked at Futaba. Her instincts seemed to kick in, and the scent of Futaba's arousal reached her. At that moment, something primal within Haru urged her to pounce on Futaba and claim her.

Upon realizing what Futaba is trying to pull here, Makoto's reaction was one of disbelief as she looked at Futaba. She let out a huff and turned away, seemingly uninterested in what was happening.

But then, in a sudden and startling flash of movement, Haru sprinted toward Futaba. The sight of Haru charging towards her left Futaba momentarily shocked and scared, "H-Haru?!"

Futaba barely had time to react as Haru's powerful form pushed her to the ground, her body got knocked down beneath the weight of her friend. The shock of the moment made her scream loudly.

"H-hey! AAAAHHH!" Haru's bite was both surprising and intense. The sharp pain mixed with a strange, primal pleasure coursed through her body, causing her to yowl out loudly.

Makoto, shocked by what had just happened, shouts "Haru!". Acting quickly, she pushed Haru away from Futaba, breaking the connection.

Futaba lay on the ground, nursing her bitten ass cheek, her heart racing. The pain throbbed intensely where Haru's teeth had pierced her skin, and she could see a small amount of blood welling up. It was painful, but it also meant something incredible, "I'm... bitten... I must have lycanthropy! Finally!" The bite was now a sign of her impending transformation, and she couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation.

With a struggle, Makoto managed to push Haru down and then fixed her with a stern gaze, ordering her to stay down.

Haru, still in the grip of her instincts, gradually started to soften and cease her struggle. "Margh... Mako... to..." A clear sign that she was herself again, though she still needed to practice her ability to talk while in her werewolf form.

Then, her gaze turned to Futaba, recognition in her eyes, "Futaba…?"

Futaba's delight at feeling her bite mark was evident, and she couldn't help but marvel at the transformation that should start soon, but it was short-lived.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Makoto's sudden snarl took Futaba by surprise, and she jumped in response. "Wh-what am I doing here? Wait! You... You can talk?!" Futaba stammered, her voice trembling. She hadn't expected this reaction from her friend.

Makoto's tone was stern as she responded, "Of course I can talk. What were you thinking, Futaba? Following us and offering yourself to get bitten? Do you know what this means?!"

Futaba, now sitting in the ground, mustered the courage to speak. "I think... I'm a werewolf now," she admitted, her voice quivering with both uncertainty and excitement.

Haru, filled with regret, slowly approached them. She began to speak, "I'm so sorry, Futaba, for biting you..."

But before Haru could continue, Makoto stopped her, placing a paw in front of her. "Don't apologize, Haru," Makoto interjected firmly. "Futaba must have known about us being werewolves."

Makoto then turned her attention back to Futaba, her gaze piercing. "So, How did you know?" she inquired, a sense of curiosity and anger in her tone.

Futaba quickly responded. "Well, you guys made it suspicious," she explained. "The way you all hid yourselves during the full moon... It wasn't hard to figure out something was going on."

As Makoto listened, a voice suddenly interrupted them.

"Nope! That is so not true!"

Emerging from the woods were Shiho, Sumire, and Ann, all now fully transformed into werewolves. Ann looked surprised as she took in the sight of Makoto and Haru in their transformed states. "Oh… I didn't know you guys were werewolves," she admitted, her tone filled with curiosity.

Haru glanced away shyly, while Makoto responded, "We didn't know about you either."

Shiho chimed in, her voice carrying a mixture of disbelief and disappointment. "Actually, Futaba has always had cameras in many places," she said, leaning into Sumire, who continued the explanation. "When Shiho and I transformed at Shiho's bedroom, the camera still had some of Futaba's scent so we easily found it."

The revelation left the group in a momentary silence, the implications sinking in.

Futaba, feeling the weight of her friends' expressions hung her head low, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. She knew that they had just exposed her.

Makoto's tone was serious as she asked, "Are you serious, Futaba?" Her disappointment was evident.

Haru, still feeling shy about her own transformations, could only look confused.

Ann, trying to comprehend the situation, asked the question that was on everyone's mind, "But why, Futaba? Why were you watching us transform?"

Futaba hesitated, her voice quivering as she admitted, "I... I love your transformations. I really, really like them, how you turn and... I always wanted to understand that feeling..."

The girls exchanged incredulous looks, some appearing a bit grossed out by Futaba's confession. Ann, attempting to find understanding, said, "I get it, Futaba. Girls your age tend to be curious and... explore their kinks. But what you did was wrong." Her words carried a sense of disappointment but also a hint of understanding of the struggles of adolescence.

Futaba nodded slowly in response to Ann's words, her voice filled with regret as she stammered out, "I know... I'm... I'm... Grr… Sorry." She struggled to speak, feeling a strange sensation building within her.

Futaba began to sweat and pant, and her behavior grew more erratic as her right hand scratched her chest, Ann became concerned and called out her name, "Futaba?"

Makoto and Haru exchanged alarmed glances, their concern for their friend's well-being evident. Haru's eyes widened and felt the guilt come back to her for having unwittingly drawn Futaba into their curse. Makoto notices her distress and tries to reassure her, saying, "It's okay..."

Ann looked at Makoto and Haru in confusion, then turned her attention back to Futaba. "Are you okay?" she asked, her worry apparent.

"Gh! Aah…!" Futaba let out a gasp, her excitement growing as she felt the changes beginning. "It's starting!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with anticipation.

"F-Futaba?!" Sumire, startled by the sudden turn of events, watched as Futaba got on all fours once again. Her fingers curled into the grass as she panted, the first cracks and pops emanating from her body.

Futaba's moans and groans filled the air. She felt the exhilarating sensation of her hands elongating, the change into paws beginning. "My paws..."

Meanwhile, the other girls took notice of the bite mark on Futaba's ass cheek. Shiho gasped in surprise, while Ann and Sumire shared equally shocked expressions.

Haru looked down regretfully, while Makoto let out a sigh and took it upon herself to explain. "Haru couldn't stop her instincts from taking over," she admitted. "She bit Futaba after... well… after Futaba doing Futaba things."

Her arms began to grow more toned, and she couldn't take her eyes away from her fingers as her fingernails cracked and sharp claws emerged. She flexed her new fingers, the sensation was magnificent

Simultaneously, her ears elongated and became pointy, "Ah~... that must be… eearsss" She hissed and took deep breaths, the sensation of her senses heightening causing her heart to race even faster.

"H-huh?... My… Bod-ng!!!" Futaba's smile slowly faded as a sudden and intense pain shot through her body. "Ow... Ow ow ow! Aah! It's getting so… ARGH!" She screamed and clutched her chest with her left arm, her eyes widened with distress.

As she writhed in discomfort, Futaba felt her chest changing. She looked down in shock to see her once-feminine chest becoming more muscular. The sound of bones cracking filled her ears, and the sensation was far from the euphoria she had been expecting or experienced moments ago.

But what was even more shocking to Futaba was the realization that her breasts, which were already small, were now shrinking further. "What the?! Nononono! This isn't according to the plan! Aren't they supposed to be growing like everyone who I have watched? My chest… It's just- Barreling?! AAGHH!"

Futaba's screams of pain pierced the night as her spine popped and her back grew in muscle, the shoulder blades moving uncomfortably in her small body, putting her hands back to grasp the grass. "Gghh! My back! Aaahh!" Her teeth clenched in agony, and she leaned forward, the pain becoming almost unbearable. It was a level of pain she had never imagined.

As she struggled through the torment, Futaba's eyes widened when she noticed fur growing on her arms and down to her hands. "Oh come on!" She had expected her fur to be the same vibrant color as her dyed hair, but instead, it was her natural black. A reminder of her traumatic past. It was another surprise, her expectations continually being shattered by the reality of her transformation. Even if this one should be obvious, wolves don't dye their fur after all…

Sumire, witnessing Futaba's struggles, couldn't help but comment. "It isn't as great as you thought, huh?"

Ann shakes her head "You do understand why it is called a 'curse', don't it?"

Shiho gave a wry smile. "Perhaps it's karma after all." she mused.

"Guys... It's not... funny!" Futaba, caught between groans of pain, cried out with a hint of frustration

Her fur continued to grow, covering more of her back, and her feet began to elongate, claws emerging in the toes. It was uncomfortable the way her newly grown claws dug into the dirt underneath.

"Ow ow!... Ah! Aaahn… AH!" As her tailbone started to extend out of her coccyx, she let out many desperate cries that mixed with the long series of cracks that came from her tail. Futaba has always thought that the process of growing a tail would be satisfying, and yet it was another reality check for the girl.

"Enough… Please… stop… it hurts… so much… I'll take it back! I regret getting myself bitten! I should have confessed to you all before I asked politely to be- Ugh… TURNED! AAAHH!' Her begging is cut off by another piercing scream for each tailbone that grows.

Makoto observed Futaba's painful transformation, as Futaba's legs became muscular, making her appear larger, Makoto couldn't help but notice the lower part of her body shaking, her legs clawing the ground, a sign of her growing desperation.

An idea occurred to Makoto and she approached her friend, her voice neutral as she spoke. "Futaba, the transformation can become less painful if you satisfy your urges..."

With those words, Makoto trailed her hand down Futaba's back, her touch making her shiver, "Ah!~ M-Makoto...". The other girls blushed at the implication of Makoto's suggestion. "Makoto?!"

"I know, but this is what my parents' notes said. This is the only way to smoothen the painful kinks in these transformations. And someone had to be the rational one here!"

Meanwhile, Ann looked away shyly, not wanting to admit how she could enjoy her private transformations.

As Makoto's touch ventured further, Futaba's moans intensified. "Makoto!~" She couldn't help but moan her name in pleasure as her friend's caresses grew more intimate.

"You like this huh?" Makoto teases, noticing her wetness. Makoto starts caressing her crotch with Makoto's skilled hands, sending waves of pleasure through her transforming body.

"Ah! M-Makoto are those fingers going t-?! Aaahh!" Her moans grew louder and more passionate as those claws entered her, moving in and out with increasing speed.

The other girls watched, their faces flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and arousal, unable to tear their gaze away from the intimate scene unfolding before them.

Futaba's tail reached its full length, and it wagged eagerly as the fur covered it, the pain of her transformation now diminished by Makoto's pleasurable touch.

Shiho, her eyes locked on the intimate scene before them, couldn't help but comment, "Nice view, huh?" Sumire, who was just beginning to feel aroused herself, nodded in agreement before Shiho pulled her close, their muzzles meeting in a passionate kiss.

Ann and Haru, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and arousal, exchanged glances but didn't say a word.

Futaba's transformation was nearly complete, her body now furry and muscular. Her face remained unchanged, but her ears had shifted to the top of her head.

Makoto, who got increasingly aroused herself, couldn't resist her own desires any longer, it now triumphed over the need for rationality. She grabbed Futaba's hips and used her long tongue to explore her crotch. "Oh crap, Makoto! This is... Oooh!" Futaba closed her eyes, enjoying Makoto eating her out.

When she opened them, she found Haru at her side, offering a comforting touch. "Let me help..." Haru's gentle caresses on Futaba's back provided some relief from the pain.

The transformation reached its final stages for Futaba, "Aaarrrrggghhh" She groaned in pain as her face began to shift and elongate. The formation of her muzzle was an excruciating experience, and she cried out in agony as her features underwent this profound alteration.

Her glasses were pushed away and fell to the floor, no longer fitting her changing face. Thankfully though, it didn't break, otherwise, she had to get a replacement which is annoying to do when she's on a tightly scheduled road trip.

Her fur continued to grow across her face, accompanying the transformation of her muzzle. The cracking and popping sounds grew louder, and Futaba's regret for doing this intensified with each passing moment. But at this point, she's just resigned to it, wanting to get this transformation over as soon as possible. As her muzzle fully formed, she let out a loud roar finishing her transformation.

After the intense and painful transformation, Futaba stood on all fours, her body now fully transformed into that of a werewolf. Her chest heaved as she panted, and she let out a long, haunting howl into the night sky, embracing her newfound identity as the final wolf of the pack.

"Grr?" Futaba gazed at her newly transformed body with a mix of awe and realization. She was now a werewolf, and she was left speechless.

Haru, filled with regret for biting her friend, hugged Futaba "I'm sorry..."

Ann approached Futaba with concern, "Are you doing alright?".

"Agh... Mmroww... Grr!?" While she's glad that she at least retained her human intelligence, much to her frustration, Futaba found that she could only produce growls and groans in response.

"Werewolves typically can't talk after their first few transformations. That includes Haru of course, who had been a werewolf for a few nights. It was only thanks to me that she could say some phrases after having turned together two times. Besides, managing to retain your consciousness after your first time is an achievement in itself" Makoto explains, having used her experience as a werewolf to teach the most novice girl.

As Futaba adjusted to her new posture, standing on all fours like a wolf and walking a bit ahead of the group, Ann looked and offered words of encouragement. "You're doing well,".

Then she scratched the back of her head with a sigh, "Well, it's not like we can't revert this so... Perhaps we should teach Futaba how to be one of us" Ann suggested.

Makoto nodded in agreement, her expression serious. "Indeed, we can talk about... Her little scheme in the morning. Besides, we can talk about your side's journey as werewolves as well, Ann" she said, understanding that there was much to learn and adapt to in her new life as a werewolf. Ann agreed with Makoto's suggestion with a playful wink.

Meanwhile, Sumire and Shiho, after having enjoyed each other in the last few minutes, looked towards the group. "What should we do now?"

Haru suggested, "Maybe we should... howl?" Ann's face lit up with a smile at the idea, "Yeah! I would like to sing with all of us here". Futaba's ears perked up at the suggestion, and she quickly ran back to her friends, eager to participate.

Makoto chuckled warmly and stood close to Futaba, who gladly accepted the older werewolf's invitation, feeling less tense about her new reality in the company of her friends.

Shiho and Sumire seemed happy to hear the idea as well, and the group of werewolves gathered close together. They exchanged happy looks before unleashing a collective howl into the night, together under the full moon.


The night seemed calm at first until the long and many howls were heard in the distance, which made Ryuji, who was sleeping in the cramped space at the top of the RV, groan.

"I guess I am cursed... Every once in a while I have to hear those dogs howling! Like jeez..." Ryuji said.

"So then I am cursed as well?" Yusuke asked, "I have also heard the howling a couple of nights. The same for you, Ren?"

"Mhm," Ren replied. Ryuji snickered, "And the girls haven't even come back yet. If they stay outside, we might as well sleep inside for once. It's only fair..."

Sophia, for the first time, added, "Actually, those are werewolf howls."

"Oh yeah? Sure, man..." Ryuji sighed. Sophia noticed the sarcasm, "It's true, it's pretty noticeable that the howls come from human vocal cords."

The only one who didn't seem to discard the possibility was Yusuke. "Hm... That could make sense. Have any of you heard it mostly on full moons, such as tonight?"

Ryuji thought about it and realized that it did tend to happen around full moons. Ren also considered it for a moment. "The girls have been out for a while," Ren said with slight worry.

"What if... They are the werewolves?" Sophia suggested.

Ryuji was about to say it was ridiculous, but that thought got him thinking. "Hm... That could explain when..."

"Or their smell when we see Lady Ann in school..." Morgana added.

There was a small moment of silence in the small beds until Yusuke murmured and sat up, before turning on the lamp.

"H-hey, what the hell? Why are you turning it on?" Ryuji asked, covering his face. Yusuke picked up his sketchbook. "That thought ignited some inspiration, the concept of werewolves... A human becoming a being of both instincts and prowess... Yes! Perhaps I should try sketching Ann once more, this time as a werewolf," he said with determination.

"Hey!" Morgana jumped into Yusuke's lap, "I demand you to not draw Lady Ann turning into such a disgusting beast."

He seemed pissed, but then with a swift movement, picked up a pencil with his teeth. "Let's turn her into a beautiful werecat!"

Yusuke hummed positively, "A werecat... Indeed! It's only right, her metaverse attire, her codename... It's perfect!"

"Come on, man!" Ryuji looked back at Ren, "Ren, please tell them to stop..."

However, Ren's attention was on his phone, which just played the iconic theme of a popular game that consisted of blowing each other's towers before his leader started playing.

Tonight ensured hours of creativity and fun, and most importantly, a lack of hours of sleep for the boys.




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