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It's been almost a month since Fairy Tail's strongest members had returned to Magnolia, although it wasn't the greatest homecoming. In their absence of seven years because of the events in Tenrou Island, they had paid a heavy price, losing most of the guild's members, and the income stream from quests was severed, leaving the guild in financial turmoil. As a result, Fairy Tail no longer settled in the city and faced a plethora of debts.

Fortunately, the rival guilds that had picked on Fairy Tail during those seven years were dealt with, but the guild had to find a way to rebuild its reputation and manage its debts. Lucy Heartfilia was determined to help her friends and her guild overcome these challenges. However, in the young woman's mind, conflicting thoughts swirled like a tempest.

Lucy wasn't like the other girls in the guild, and it had nothing to do with her celestial spirit magic. She harbored a secret—a werewolf curse that transformed her into an uncontrollable beast guided by primal instincts and urges. It all started In a quest where she was unexpectedly bitten by a beast. Since then, every full moon brought about a harrowing transformation, a transformation that Lucy struggled to keep hidden from her friends, fearing their reaction to the beast within her.

As the days passed, something felt unsettlingly different for Lucy. The month following their return from the island was accompanied by a strange sensation coursing through her. Often, she found herself in pain, as if an unseen force yearned to claw its way out of her body.

Lucy couldn't shake the premonition that this month's full moon would be different. Seven years of unintentionally suppressing her transformation seemed to have stirred something within the depths of the curse. The very essence of the beast she harbored now clamored for release. Her instincts warned her that the creature within, dormant for so long, was growing restless and increasingly volatile.

As the night of the full moon approached, Lucy's apprehension intensified. The whispers of her curse echoed louder, and the physical torment became more pronounced. She couldn't escape the feeling that, after seven years of restraint, the beast inside her was not content to be confined any longer. A sense of foreboding settled over Lucy, sensing that the upcoming transformation would be more than just a mere change like all the others. It carried the weight of unleashed fury, and she feared losing control over herself in ways she hadn't experienced before.

With a heavy heart, Lucy made the difficult decision to leave Magnolia under the pretext of embarking on a quest. Though she despised deceiving her family, the uncertainty of what the approaching full moon held compelled her to take this drastic step.

Fearing for the safety of her friends and the potential danger her unleashed beast could pose, Lucy chose to go to the only secluded haven she could ever think of to go to quickly, which is ironically… Tenrou Island. Boarding a boat, she set sail for the island that held both cherished memories of her test and the hardships she and her friends faced.

After long, arduous hours at sea, Lucy finally arrived at Tenrou Island as dusk descended, casting shadows across the landscape. With a sense of urgency, she disembarked on the shore and plunged into the wilderness.

Running among the trees, Lucy looked back and forth, scanning her surroundings for any potential threats. Yet, as she darted through the foliage, an unexpected pang of pain shot through her chest, causing her to groan and lean against a sturdy tree. Anxiety gripped her as she nervously wiped away the accumulating sweat on her forehead. The realization dawned upon her that her body was succumbing to an overwhelming heat, and beads of sweat trickled down her skin.

In a desperate attempt to alleviate the rising temperature, Lucy mumbled to herself, "Oh no... I gotta... I gotta undress!" The urgency in her voice reflected the impending transformation.

In a desperate hurry, Lucy's hands fumbled with her vest, attempting to free herself from the constraining fabric. However, a sudden, agonizing crack in her ribs halted her efforts, forcing her to clutch her body and cry out in frustration. "N-No... At least... Let me take my clothes off!..."

As in cue, a familiar golden flash and the melodic ringing of bells signaled the arrival of a dear friend, Virgo, the celestial spirit with short pink hair and a maiden outfit adorned with shackles on her wrists. Lucy, caught between pants and pain, called out to her loyal spirit. "V-Virgo..? Ah... Ah..."

Virgo, despite her monotone voice, belaid a deep sense of care, appeared at Lucy's side, and swiftly assisted in freeing the other arm from the stubborn vest. "I'm here, Lucy. Let me assist you," she assured. The gentle pats on Lucy's skin, despite the overwhelming pain, filled her with a sense of comfort and joy, as the celestial spirit worked diligently to help Lucy undress.

With Virgo's support, she continued to shed the remainder of her clothes. Lucy's heartbeat quickened, and the pain intensified. "Aah... ah...!" She paused, horror etched on her face, as her gaze fixated on her hands undergoing their grotesque change—claws sharpening, palms elongating beyond human limits.

In the midst of the agonizing change, Virgo's hands firmly grasped Lucy's transforming ones, holding her. "I believe you will endure this, Lucy," Virgo spoke with a calm certainty. Lucy, her mouth hanging open in the throes of transformation, met Virgo's gaze with a mixture of gratitude and fear. Her teeth elongated into sharp fangs.

Virgo's assistance continued with her unclasping Lucy's bra, freeing her large breasts. A sigh of relief escaped Lucy's lips as the cool breeze caressed her skin. The transformation pressed on, but the presence of her celestial spirit offered solace amid the painful, visceral changes taking place.

Lucy's gaze fell to her sweaty chest, witnessing fur emerging from her skin between her breasts and trailing down her stomach. Helpless against the primal force, Lucy could only observe the emergence of body hair, a phenomenon she had always found unreal but was always forced to accept.

Her legs began to succumb, bones cracking and shifting beneath the relentless growth of muscles. Virgo, ever vigilant, sensed Lucy's weakening state and guided her master down to the grass, gently placing Lucy on her knees.

"Aaaagghhh!" Lucy's scream echoed through the night as her back popped loudly, the sensation reverberating through her entire being. Palms slammed onto the ground, and drool formed at the corner of her mouth. Lucy's back muscles swelled, becoming prominent and bulky.

Virgo winced as she observed Lucy's agonizing transformation, noting the increased fur on her legs and shoulders. Lucy's palms developing leathery skin beneath her palms and under her feet.

"Aah... aah! Nnngghh!!!!" Lucy's cries resonated through the night as her biceps expanded, and fur cascaded down her arms to her wrists. Her ears elongated, protruding through her long hair.

The celestial spirit, despite being accustomed to witnessing this process through countless full moons, felt a bitter taste in her mouth. Seeing her master, her friend, in such profound agony evoked a deep sense of sorrow.

Finally, Virgo's body began to dissipate, her time running out, she knelt and embraced Lucy tightly. "V-Virgo....!" Lucy whimpered, tears streaming down her fuzzy cheeks, finding a small comfort in the warmth of the celestial spirit's embrace.

"We will take care of you whenever it's possible, Master Lucy," Virgo assured with a soothing tone before fading away, leaving the transforming werewolf on her own.

"A-ah! Virgo! Please.. don't... GO!!" Lucy's plea morphed into a guttural growl, her body contorting as her abdominal muscles rippled and formed a defined six-pack.

Lucy surveyed her altered form in dismay, her chest now covered in an abundance of fur. The once distinct boundaries between skin and hair blurred, and the transformation had extended to cover most of her body.

"Aaagghh!! It's!!! Growing!!!" Lucy's cry echoed through the stillness of the night as her spine stretched, the emergence of a tailbone adding to the relentless transformation. Paralyzed by the pain, she could only endure and cry out as her body contorted.

Lucy's eyes widened in astonishment as her chest barrelled, her shoulders broadening, giving her an overall bestial appearance. The increased muscle mass made her chest appear larger, further emphasizing the profound changes unfolding.

When the tail finally stood tall, Lucy gazed at the full moon, her mesmerized eyes reflecting a mix of awe and surrender. In that moment, as the last shreds of her humanity was fading away, she realized her mind was slipping, and the uncontrollable beast within was taking hold.

In this last part of the transformation, Lucy had always been incapable to maintain her humanity, each night she attempt it had always seemingly brought her even more pain than letting her curse claim her. This night wasn't a exception.

"Ggrraahhh!! Rrooaar!!!" Lucy's cries intensified as her mouth pushed forward, a snout gradually forming along the fur that extended over her cheeks and beyond.

In a symphony of growls and the visceral sounds of her face distorting, Lucy's muzzle finally took shape. With fierce eyes, she jerked her head up and let out a haunting howl, the sound echoing through the night. "AAWRROOOO!!"

The beast that was once Lucy Heartfilia stood in the moonlit grass. Grinning with satisfaction, she relished the strength coursing through her.

A rumble in her stomach reminded the werewolf of her primal needs, and hunger surged within her. With a predatory gleam in her eyes, Lucy dropped to all fours and darted deep into the woods. Using her enhanced senses, she sniffed the air, seeking the scent of a prey. The aroma of something small reached her nostrils, but it wouldn't satisfy her voracious appetite. Determined for juicier meat, she continued her hunt until the scent of something larger caught her attention, eliciting an excited growl from the newly transformed beast.

Lucy's keen senses led her to a large lizard with green scales, a formidable creature about her size. Confidence surged through the werewolf as she observed the sturdy scales, convinced her claws and teeth could pierce through with ease.

The lizard, unaware of its impending predator, drank from a pond, offering Lucy the perfect moment to strike. With a stealthy approach, she seized the opportunity, pouncing onto the creature's back and digging her claws into its scales, leaving a substantial gash.

The lizard shrieked in pain and thrashed about, attempting to dislodge its assailant. Lucy, momentarily losing her balance, groaned as she fell to the sides. Quick to react, she evaded a swing of the lizard's long tail, leaping over the threatening obstacle with agile prowess.

Lucy, fueled by primal instincts, leaped into the creature's face, sinking her teeth into its neck. The lizard shrieked in agony, attempting to retaliate, but its maw couldn't reach the nimble werewolf. Lucy clamped down harder, savoring the taste of her prey as the animal's strength waned.

As the lizard's vitality dwindled, its eyes threatened to close, but there was nothing it could do. It didn't took long before it succumbed to the inevitable outcome of the fierce struggle.

Lucy, victorious in her hunt, looked over her fallen prey with a triumphant grin. "Aawrooooo!!!!" She let out a long, echoing howl, a declaration of her dominance in the wilderness of Tenrou Island.




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