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It was another night in Shinjuku, the full moon casting its glow over the Red Light District. Chihaya Mifune sat at her fortune-telling stand, gazing up at the orb in the night sky.

She knew what this meant. The curse of the werewolf, the beast within her would be itching to break free. But Chihaya had spent years honing her mental strength, ensuring that her wolf remained under control even under the brightest of full moons… except for cases when she truly wanted to let loose for some reason.

All she can do is take a deep breath, her purple eyes fixated on the radiant moon. Despite not allowing herself to physically transform, being a human during this time had its own set of challenges. Her body still underwent minor changes under her clothes, some more embarrassing than others. But Chihaya had learned to maintain control over her life, ensuring that the curse never became a problem for herself and brought misfortune to others.

Chihaya's strong concentration on the moon was abruptly interrupted as an adult man approached her stand. She blinked and refocused her attention, acknowledging the interruption with a polite smile.

"Welcome," she began, "How can I assist you today?"

The man, however, seemed rather brusque and impatient. He cut straight to the point, his words rushed and somewhat rude. "Are you the Fortune Teller everyone's been talking about?"

"I believe that's me, yes" Chihaya replied, her voice steady and calm.

As the man spoke, his words revealed a tale of betrayal and broken trust. His woman had discovered his infidelity, and now he stood before Chihaya, seeking a solution to mend the damage he had caused. His tone remained brash, and he rudely inquired, "Can you do some magic with those pebbles and cards to fix this mess?"

Chihaya regarded him with a measured expression, taking in his desperation and lack of patience. "I can certainly offer insights and guidance," she responded.

Chihaya shuffled the tarot cards with practiced precision, her fingers deftly weaving through the deck. As she laid out the cards, she studied their arrangement carefully, her brow furrowing slightly. After a moment of contemplation, she delivered an unwelcome message to the man.

"The cards," she began hesitantly, "they suggest that the odds are not in your favor. It's a challenging situation you've found yourself in."

His frustration boiled over at her words, and he slammed his hand on the table. "What is this bullshit?" he exclaimed, anger radiating from him.

Chihaya maintained her composure, though her expression saddened. "I understand your frustration," she said gently, but she may regret continuing, especially during the Full Moon where she needs all the control she can muster "But there may be a way to change your fate. I have something that can help, a Holy Stone. For just a hundred thousand yen, it can provide you with a fortune."

The mention of money only further incensed the man. "Are you kidding me?" the man scoffed, his tone dripping with skepticism. "A hundred thousand yen for some stupid rock?! This is ridiculous!"

Chihaya's frown deepened as she met his gaze, her voice gentle but firm. "I understand your doubts, but the Holy Stone holds the essence of good luck and fortune. It has brought solace to many"

His frustration boiled over, and with a shout, he slammed his hands on the table. Everything on it toppled to the ground in a sweeping motion, crashing loudly in his anger-fueled outburst.

Chihaya's patience reached its limit, and her usually composed demeanor shattered, "You've got no right to be yellin' at me and throwin' my things around!"

But as the words left her lips, an unexpected surge coursed through her body, "Ack!" The sudden pain caused her to arch back back in the chair. Chihaya panted, panic flaring within her as she realized her concentration was broken. "Oh no, my concentration! I need to calm down!"

The young man snickered at her losing it and muttered a dismissive, yet smugly satisfied "Whatever" before storming off indignantly. Chihaya was left hyperventilating, desperately trying to regain control of her emotions to prevent the transformation she had fought so hard to suppress.

Chihaya desperately tried to use her willpower to resist the transformation, but her body began to betray her. She watched in horror as her hands elongated, claws emerging from her fingertips. With a cry of "No!" escaping her lips, she realized she had little choice. She needed to find a secluded place for her transformation.

In a panic, Chihaya abandoned her stand, but her changing body made the simple act of walking a challenge. "Agh... Aaahh!" She shouted in frustration as her feet continued to elongate, causing her navy blue slippers to slip off. Her emerging claws on her feet tore through her once-intact blue tights.

Summoning all the strength she had left, Chihaya stumbled further as she went into the alleyway, her feet no longer cooperating. She fell forward, crashing onto the ground with a yelp. The painful transformation had taken hold, and there was no turning back now. And it pissed her off that she let herself go like this again.

With a mixture of desperation and anger, "It's getting... ugh! Tighter!" Chihaya knew she needed to free herself from her clothing. She grabbed at her dress, her newly formed claws inadvertently digging into the fabric. In a forceful pull, the dress gave way, tearing off her dress in tatters.

"Ya had to be kiddin' me!" Her expression twisted with frustration and rage, and Chihaya filled the air with curses. In a fit of unbridled fury, she ripped off her long-sleeved shirt, exposing a chest that was already beginning to grow muscular. She stared at the transformation with a mixture of disgust and resentment, her arms bulking up with powerful muscles as fur sprouted on her arms and chest.

"Grrroaaaaghh!" Groans of anger escaped her lips as her hands morphed into paws, her legs growing and tearing her blue tights further. Fur emerged in patches across her skin, the transformation continuing its painful course. Having no need to tear off her clothes anymore, Her paws and legs forcibly lifted her onto all fours. Her bra, the penultimate piece of clothing holding on, snapped open as her back let out a series of loud cracks, fur spreading across it as well.

Chihaya's growls of frustration turned into guttural, inhuman roaring as her transformation reached its climax. Her panties tore as a tail sprouted from her lower back, and she could barely form words as her fangs grew within her mouth.

Fur now covered her body extensively, no longer looked human. Hair crept over her face, obscuring her once-human features, and her vocalizations became more animalistic.

"Rooaaarr!" In a final, primal roar, her ears grow through her headband. It was quickly destroyed in one fell swoop, obscuring her face into a curtain of hair that was opened in two by her emerging muzzle. As her muzzle grows, the beast slowly stands back up. Chihaya's transformation was complete. She stood there, a lycanthropic creature, panting heavily as her wolf-like muzzle fully formed.

With the moon above her, "AaaawWROOOO!" She let out a haunting howl that echoed through the alleyway, yet the sound of the Red Light District hid it from being heard.


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