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It was another Dark Hour midnight. The streets transformed into an eerie, distorted version of what the city was, shrouded in an inky obscurity. Strange, shadowy creatures roamed freely, their alien forms weaving through the city.

Inside her dimly lit room, Fuuka Yamagishi rummaged through the clutter of her closet. She had been aware of the Dark Hour for some time, those nights when her world turned bizarre and her parents and peers lay frozen in ominous coffins. For months, she had tiptoed around this enigma, avoiding encounters with the lurking Shadows every time it happened outside. And yet, she didn’t know how she managed to avoid them so easily.

Finally, her fingers brushed against a dusty box buried in the corner. With cautious curiosity, she retrieved it, her heart pulsing with a mix of apprehension and anticipation. It was a telescope, forgotten and abandoned for years ever since her parents pushed her to study harshly. She gingerly set it on her desk, her nimble fingers beginning the delicate task of assembling its pieces.

Fuuka's hands pieced together the old telescope, her mind fixated on a singular purpose. Every time she gazed upon the full moon during the Dark Hour, an unsettling feeling gnawed at her. It was a nagging curiosity, a persistent question that had haunted her for far too long. She needed to understand why the moon held such an eerie allure during these strange hours.

With a satisfying click, Fuuka finally finished assembling the telescope. Taking a deep breath, she whispered to herself, "It's done."

She then took her Telescope out of her room and went to the best place she could see the moon at its full glory, her rooftop. While initially she regretted not assembling it there from the beginning, the Telescope feels lighter than she thought. And she doesn’t need to even care about being slow and not too much noise since her parents are Coffins anyway.

Once she arrived at the roof and set her Telescope there impatiently, taller than usual so she didn’t need to crouch while using it. Her heart beat a little faster, knowing that the decision to take the telescope here had cost her some precious time. She leaned in closer to the telescope's lenses, her eyes fixed on the looming full moon outside.

The glow of the moon's green light filtered through the lenses.

Fuuka's gaze remained fixed on the moon, her curiosity piqued by the sight before her. She mumbled to herself, her voice soft and thoughtful, "What is it about the moon that draws me in so much... during these hours?"

She leaned in even closer, her eyes locked onto the moon's surface as if searching for answers within its luminous expanse.

As moments passed, Fuuka's determination wavered. She was on the verge of giving up her search for answers when a strange sensation began to wash over her. Her face felt flushed, beads of sweat forming on her forehead, and her breaths grew labored.

And then, as if a veil had been lifted from her eyes, she began to perceive the moon differently. Her gaze softened, and her lips curved into a faint smile. "It's... beautiful, it feels like… freedom" she whispered, her voice tinged with awe as her eyes briefly glowed.

As the moon's mesmerizing beauty held her rapt attention, Fuuka's hands began to twitch uncontrollably. A peculiar sensation surged through her hands, causing them to elongate and contort in ways that defied nature. Her delicate nails started to morph, extending into sharp, pointed claws that gleamed in the moonlight.

It was a grotesque transformation that anyone else would have noticed immediately, but Fuuka remained oblivious. Her focus remained steadfastly on the moon, overriding any pain or discomfort that accompanied the unnatural changes occurring in her body.

Panting heavily now, despite the growing discomfort, her arms trembled, and her muscles began to swell and bulge, stretching against the fabric of her clothing. The once loose top now clung to her form and her turtleneck was starting to get tighter, strained under the pressure of her burgeoning strength.

Her ears elongated and grew pointed, a peculiar transformation that went unnoticed in her single-minded fixation. A strange sensation tickled the back of her throat, and she let her tongue slip out unconsciously, letting her canines slowly grow. "Something's happening to me..." she murmured, yet her fascination with the moon remained unwavering.

The Dark Hour-ed sky echoed with unsettling sounds of bones cracking and shifting that seemed to resonate with some primal part of Fuuka. Strangely, the sensations elicited moans of pleasure from her lips.

Fuuka moved away from the lens, even moving the telescope out of the way as she felt unsatiated from seeing the full moon with it. Her eyes locked onto the moon in an almost trance-like state.

Fuuka's teeth underwent a transformation, elongating into sharp fangs that protruded from her panting mouth. Her clothing, already stretched to the limits, grew tighter as her once small frame swelled with newfound muscle. "So... tight... So… hot-!" she gasped, her voice a mixture of astonishment and exhilaration.

With a sudden urgency, Fuuka began to disrobe. Her blouse fell to the ground, followed by her skirt that gently slid off her legs after several buttons took off. She's about to pull her panties as well, but the urgency of how tight her torso was changed her priorities. And yet, her turtleneck proved to be a challenge. Panic seeped into her voice as she grappled with the stubborn fabric, "Get off… Agh! AAAAGH!" As panic boiled over into Frustration, she tore the turtleneck in two with an animalistic snarl, freeing herself from its confines.

Her eyes remained fixated on the moon as Fuuka's hands unclasped her bra, freeing her breasts to the cool air. The atmosphere in the area grew tense as her knees cracked and her feet suddenly stretched. The shock got her stopped into all fours, her head jerking up to stare back at the full moon with a fierce growl that sounded almost primal, "Raaagh!"

Her gaze then shifted downward while she tried to resist her neck's stubbornness to put her eyesight into the moon, her hands and feet were being replaced by paws, her body growing muscular and strong. Her Fur had emerged and spread in her body.

She stopped resisting her neck as she moaned back to her moon gazing. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, the rapid rhythm of her breathing accentuating the growth of fur that sprouted on her chest, gradually extending upward to grow on her breasts. Her ears lengthened and took on a pointed shape, their placement climbing higher to the peak of her head.

Amidst the transformative chaos, ecstatic laughter came from Fuuka's lips. Her voice, a mix of exhilaration and euphoria, rang out, "Yes! My body... It feels amazing!" Her laughter echoed throughout the night.

A guttural groan erupted from Fuuka's throat as the muscles on her back began to expand, a cacophony of satisfying cracks accompanying each movement. Her body was reshaping itself in ways that were both exhilarating and disturbing.

A deep throbbing sensation at the base of her spine drew her attention downward again. But this time, the Moon didn't push her neck as much, as if it wanted her to see what was behind her, an unfamiliar, yet peculiar and alluring part of the transformation. Her tailbone was growing, creating a new limb, like Petals scattered by the Wind. However, the growth of her tail was hindered by the confines of her panties, eliciting a frustrated groan from her lips.

The tail's persistence was undeniable, and with a strained cry, she exclaimed, "Damn it! Break it off!! Aaahh!" The tension in the air palpably increased its pressure as her tail worked harder. As if it was under her direct command and not just the moon's pull, it slowly but surely breached the confines of her stained panties. She finally moaned loudly in relief with her tail blossomed as a fleshy appendage that began to grow its own fur.

The transition from human to werewolf continued, her body shifting into a semblance of a wolf's physique. Animalistic groans and roars escaped from her throat as emotions surged through her transformation, releasing pent-up feelings she had harbored for so long. All the parental pressures, all the bullying.

Amid her change, Fuuka's voice, now more powerful and primal, allowed her to vocalize the frustrations, desires, and energy that had been bottled up within her. She vented it all at the moon that comfortably listened to her buried heart, the heart she was digging back open with her new metaphorical claws. She might as well tear it all down even if she doesn't know how long she could be like this.

The transformation had swept through most of Fuuka's body. Perhaps she lost her feminine curves in the grasslands of fur, but even if it did, she didn't care anymore. Instead, her now wolf ears became a crown adorning the top of her head. What remained was her face, the last vestige of her human form.

Fur began to sprout on her cheeks, and an increasingly primal growl echoed to reach the corner of the city silenced from the Dark Hour. Her face contorted as her features began to shift, and the sound of her growling and roaring grew louder, filling the air with raw intensity. Her face seemed to push forward, her rows of sharp teeth repositioning themselves in the changing structure.

Fuuka's growls and roars reverberated, "Ugh! Ack! AWWOOOOHHH!!" Humanity and rationality seemed to slip away as her bestial nature took control. The last vestiges of her former face contorted as a muzzle formed, the transformation solidifying her new identity as a werewolf.

Finally, the transformation was complete. The now fully transformed werewolf Fuuka Yamagishi stood on all fours before what was supposed to be a toxic-colored Full Moon, corrupted by the Dark Hour. But not for her that takes its blessing in stride, who lets her primal instincts unleashed. With a surge of power and a newfound voice, she let out a powerful roar that echoed through the night, a proclamation of her rebirth and her embrace of her newfound nature. However brief it may be.


Slowly, Fuuka stirred as the first light of dawn began to pierce through the shadows. Sitting up in an alley that even the thugs rarely went to, she blinked, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings and the litter strewn around her.

"What the...?" Her voice was a mix of confusion and disbelief as she surveyed her surroundings. Her gaze then fell upon her own body, and her eyes widened in shock. A few tufts of hair adorned her chest, and her skin seemed rougher than before. As her hand reached up to touch her ear, she felt the slightly pointy tip.

"What happened to me?" Her words were almost a whisper, her mind racing to piece together the events leading up to this strange awakening. Memories began to flood back, and she recalled the transformative experience she had undergone during the Dark Hour after gazing at the moon.

Initially frightened by the memory, Fuuka's expression shifted. She remembered the primal satisfaction she had felt in her transformed state, how her instincts had taken over. With a slow nod, she said to herself, "I see… so that's how it is..." Her lips curved into a wide grin, a mix of realization and exhilaration dancing in her eyes.

(A Couple of Years Later…)

Fuuka Yamagishi had transitioned into college life, her days now occupied with more studies and more responsibilities. But at least she chose these responsibilities of her own. On the rooftop of her college faculty's building, she meticulously set up a telescope, a marvel of advanced technology that bore the signature of the Kirijo Group. It was no ordinary instrument; it had been custom-made with the finest technology, one to which its creation she personally supervised. A favor granted by Mitsuru herself in response to her old friend's request.

The reason for this exceptional telescope was rooted in Fuuka's unfulfilled yearning. Ever since her first transformation triggered by the moon during the dark hour, she had found solace in those moments of becoming a werewolf. One such example is her second most notable transformation... when she was trapped in Tartarus.

Initially, she thought she only transformed during the Full Moon, but in desperation for survival, the time when she was trapped in Tartarus made her realize that she could transform at any time if she stared at the moon hard enough. She doesn't even need her telescope to transform anymore even if it makes things easier to do.

She used her newfound form not just to avoid the monsters easily, but also to chew anything in her way to vent her pent-up anger. They aren't tasty though, but the satisfaction of their death is good enough. As her normal human body can't do much against her bullies as much as she loathes to admit it.

She couldn't exactly stay in her wolf form for long either, otherwise, she would exhaust herself, be a sitting duck to these monsters, and get busted as a werewolf by whoever somehow managed to come here and save her. Thankfully, this time she learned enough to focus on stripping off much faster instead of letting the Moon distract her too much once more.

But after joining SEES and embracing her role as their Navigator, her transformations had become less frequent. While Fuuka cherished her newfound purpose, the desire to experience her primal form more often grew stronger with each passing night of not transforming after having experienced a tiring day in Tartarus.

Fuuka's memories drifted back to the night when SEES had succeeded in ending the dark hour, saving their home and bringing an end to the phenomenon. It had been a time of triumph, but it also marked the disappearance of her own ability to use her Persona and transform into a werewolf. She had moved forward in life, embracing new responsibilities and challenges, yet a part of her heart still held onto the wish for her transformative gift to return.

That lingering desire transformed into jealousy after one fateful night when she walked toward Yukari's room, intending to ask her friend about something relating to her new career as the Pink Argus. She barely pushed the door open, but the sight that met her eyes left her utterly shocked. There, in the center of the room, was Yukari, undergoing a transformation, without the presence of Dark Hour

Fuuka's mind raced. The reason for her transformation was on Yukari's leg, a bite mark was visible, and Fuuka recognized it for what it was even if it was fading after years had passed, and it was being hidden even more by the emerging fur. She knew, from her extensive knowledge of werewolves, that Yukari had contracted a more traditional form of lycanthropy from that one Wolf Shadow during one of Kotone's infamous 'One Day Before Full Moon Grinding Sessions'. A Lycanthropy that is triggered by the rising of the full moon. It was a revelation that both fascinated and unsettled her.

However, Fuuka was at a loss on how to bring up the topic with Yukari. She recalled the memory of Yukari's struggles during her own transformation – the tears and screams that echoed the pain she endured. It was evident that the process was far more agonizing for Yukari than it had ever been for Fuuka.

Now, Fuuka found herself drawn to the idea of attempting to replicate her first transformation. Perhaps it is what she needs for her blessing to return. Even if she failed, she can still reminiscence for the rest of her life. Or even coming back to Yukari asking to be bitten if she has to. She found herself on the rooftop of her college with her advanced telescope positioned and ready.

"Here goes nothing…," Fuuka muttered to herself, her gaze locking onto the full moon hanging in the night sky through the lenses. As she stared at its luminous surface until her eyes dilated, and briefly had some glints of golden yellow in them, one that was not far different from the Full Moon… or the Shadow Selves.

(To be Continued?)


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