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Hifumi Togo knelt in the dimly lit Kanda Church, her hands clasped together in prayer. She closed her eyes, focusing her thoughts on seeking guidance on how to get through this ordeal. As she continued her prayer, she couldn't help but feel a growing warmth spreading through her body, accompanied by a sudden perspiration. Hifumi paused, opening her eyes and glancing down at her hands. To her shock, she saw her fingers elongating, nails breaking, and turning into sharp claws.

Panic welled up within her. She knew she had stayed too late in the church, and the inevitable transformation was beginning.

With a sharp intake of breath, Hifumi stood up, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and anticipation. The palms of her hands itched as a layer of dark hair started sprouting on her arms. A sharp pain shot through her body, and she instinctively clutched her chest.

Her ears began to elongate, going through her once-neatly styled hair, while her teeth sharpened.

She needed to remove her clothes before the transformation destroyed them entirely. Hifumi struggled to maintain her composure, her body wracked with excruciating pain.

She swiftly kicked off her shoes, feeling a sense of relief as they landed on the ground with a thud. Her blue school jacket quickly followed, discarded as she hastily removed it, only showing her white shirt underneath.

"G-gah..!" Falling to her knees, Hifumi fought back a scream as her chest expanded, buttons straining against the pressure until one finally gave way along with her falling bow tie, exposing her delicate neck.

The transformation was accelerating, her arms growing larger and more muscular, making the confines of her shirt increasingly restrictive. The fabric stretched to its limit, threatening to tear as her body contorted and reshaped.

As Hifumi's transformation continued, her claws emerged from her feet, ripping through her socks, and her feet elongated, tearing the remnants of the once-intact fabric.

The pain intensified, and with a gut-wrenching cry, she collapsed and rolled onto her back, her body writhing in agony. Desperate to alleviate the constriction, she gripped the tattered remains of her shirt and tore it apart, exposing her heaving breasts, covered only by a strained bra. Her skin, now partially covered in fur, revealed the well-defined and toned abs and muscular chest that had manifested during the transformation.

Her bra strained and protested against her expanding back, muscular shoulder blades protruding and her spine growing a tailbone. The fabric could no longer withstand the strain, and with a series of ripping sounds, it tore apart, barely holding on.

Hifumi's cries echoed through the church as her skirt was pushed by her growing tailbone, gradually exposing her panties to the world. Claws digging into the floor, she gritted her sharp teeth, a primal instinct taking over her senses.

The fur continued to spread, covering most of her body. The pain persisted, but Hifumi found strength within herself. "M-my face!" She let out a series of piercing cries, her face pushing forward as her muzzle fully formed, elongating and distorting her once-human features.

In a moment of respite, she panted heavily on the cold church floor, her body now resembling that of a wolf in both form and function. She stood up, new paws gripping the church's bench tightly and powerful hind legs propelling her forward. And once she did, she unleashed a haunting howl, announcing her new form to the world. Without looking back, she bolted away, the echoes of her departure echoing throughout the now-empty church.


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