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When a Devil has you cornered, when there is no Devil Hunters around, when a Devil's horrible hands is about to grab your weak and frail human body hope that it will end your life quickly.

But Asa knew that wasn't the case as she felt the fleshy hands of the Justice Devil who was once her classmate grab her and crush her, the girl let a agonizing yell as the Devil laughed.

"I will make sure that justice will be served!" It said with a horribñe voice as Asa struggled to breathe.

The girl in it's hands felt her body suddenly be thrown through the glass of a bakery, she gasped as her body fell until her back touched with the nearest wall inside of the bakery. Shattered glass was around her and the place was already a mess and Asa knew it wasn't over.

She couldn't believe that she was still alive but not for long...

"I didn't kill Bucky... she was jealous of me... if I'd I knew it would have end up like this... maybe I could have gotten friends, or even more..." Asa thought.

Her eyes weakly moved to the shattered glass, she reached for one of the many sharp remains.

Maybe she could end her pain without being tortured by the approaching monster.

Then her hand stop on its tracks when Asa saw the reflection of a wolf in one of the shards, she quickly looked up and saw a figure towering over her. "Another Devil?..."

What she needed, another torturer, or at least those were her thoughts before it breifly talked.

"If you truly want to live, look at the full moon..." That was all it said, it was a man's voice but it sounded unnerving.

"W-what?..." Mitaka whispered, finding a little of her strenght to at least look at the Devil.

A paw was presented to her, it pointed to the window and she looked at it, her eyes found the circular shape of the full moon.

Asa looked at it, she didn't understood what it hoped to gain with showing her this but her gaze was fixated to the moon.

 The girl started to find more strength from within until she finally was able to get on her knees.

However Asa noticed her heart wouldn't stop beating, she clutched  her chest but she kept looking at the moon.

"What's happening to me?..." Her breathing increased and sweat started to form on her forehead.

Then, it happened, the girl's eyes widened as she let out a painful scream as a series of pops and cracks sounded in her ears.

She gritted her teeth trying to contain her groans, "What the fuck?! My whole face its burning!" Asa felt her canines grow and her body started to change.

But her pain didn't stop, Asa's body  was morphing, and her mind raced. She lifted her shaky hands and looked at them twitching and claws started to protrude from her fingertips.

 Mitaka couldn't  process what was happening, her were twisting and growing fur in the back of her hand.

"Im turning into a Devil?!" She shook her head in denial as more pain coursed through her.

Her head was pounding and her chest was growing in muscle. She clutched her chest as she felt the fabric of her uniform tearing.

"I can't take this..." Asa looked at her uniform and at her claws, she instinctively started to tear her dress with her claws and her increased strength. The shirt underneath came next as she tore it in two as she growled, "GH... AH... Finally!". Then she looked down at her body and her fear returned to her, fur has grown over her body, she was covered in it.

She moved her hand to her belly and felt her newly grown abs, fur started to grow on them as well.

Asa moved her arms to her bra and took it off releasing her bosoms as it was now pointless to hide anything at this point. A particular group of fur hanged above her breasts touching her sensitive naked chest, her arms were harder to move now with how much stronger they were becoming.

She looked down at her legs and she could feel her muscles growing, they weren't longer than before but she could feel them tearing her stockings and sneakers.

Asa growled again as her back extended and pushed against her skin, a tailbone was growimg in her rear and this sharp pain forced her to get in fours.

"I... stop..." She whispered.

Her ears were still sensitive and still grew as they now pointed at her head.

Mitaka began to hear heavy footsteps coming closer and it made her heart race.

"What the hell?! No way!" The Justice Devil walked in and looked perplexed.

The girl didn't looked at it and instead focused on her tail growing between her legs.

 Her cries and growls now sounded inhumane and felt her thoughts were getting distorted and her eyes were growing.

She opened her mouth and let out a scream that turned into a roar, her fangs grew and her mouth turned into a muzzle.

The Justice Devil looked at her, shock on its face.

Asa ignored it and looked around her room, her eyes felt heavy and she had a pounding headache.

She looked at her furry arms and her deadly claws, Asa growled in anger and gazed at the Devil.

Then Asa let out a roar that shook the room.

Her eyes were no longer human and only saw a corpse that would soon join to the ground of that bakery.


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