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drinking heavy water

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Michael P Andersen

Working now. Waiting to see if I can find more clues about the "butter" incident


Hey Cody, how about taking your shirt off and showing off that bruise you got. Mine wasn't that bad when I broke my shoulder in a car accident! It should be interesting to see. It's funny that heavy water tastes sweet... I would never expect that result.


Pinky out, someone's feeling fancy, eh? If it's actually sweet to any degree as you say it is, if the price ever came down enough, I imagine someone crazy enough somewhere is going to try to market it as a "natural" ingredient xD

Mark Rose

Neutron moderation with heavy water... there's a lot you candu if you get some natural U.


I'll probably spend the next hour reading about deuterium! Also what is that pump in the flower pot??


You mention that the heavy water will also have an above-average amount of tritium in it. Is it possible to isolate a sample of water made entirely of T20 as is done with D2O?