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ethalyne co2 nitrus intro part

Uploaded by Cody'sLab on 2016-12-07.



Well, Hyderabad to you too, Cody!

Mark Rose

I'd like to see a heavy gas at the triple point, such as xenon or sulfur hexafluoride. Can you add one of those to your collection?


I'm certain it's ridiculously hard to get hold of, but UF6 would be really interesting. I don't see why 238U would be prohibited to civilians...


The sound is much better 👍


Will Freon be one of the gasses in your collection? If yes : will you be extracting it from a fridge.. if no : why not :)


Relevant link maybe? <a href="http://www.sciencemadness.org/talk/viewthread.php?tid=9690" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.sciencemadness.org/talk/viewthread.php?tid=9690</a>


Apologies if this isn't the brightest question in the world, I'm not the best with chemistry... But, you mentioned the "capillary" tube, used for extracting unwanted oxygen and stuff like that. Going off of that, you mentioned you had to calculate the mass of the gas, so as to not break the tube from too much pressure. Basically, if the pressure was imbalanced due to the presence of another gas in the tube, would it be enough to break the glass? Or would it simply result in the nitrous not reaching its critical point?


No, thats a great question! for nitrous it really didn't matter because the air would not react with it and thus would have the effect of taking up space and making the chamber seem a bit smaller. Ethylene however would react with oxygen over time producing soot (basically it would slowly burn) and this would be undesirable.


I was wondering if you could explain how you use the tube with the capillary end to purge the unwanted gasses from the ampule.


I always wondered how capillary tubes were made and you basically just blew my mind


Honestly if the epoxy makes these safe you'd have a lot of people who would want to buy these.. me being one of them. Don't have the balls to make them myself 😂