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I now have the results of my blood test for mercury and lead (added as an attachment). Turns out I'm a little high but still in the range of what is considered normal. This surprised me at first but after talking to my doctor it makes sense because I dont eat a lot of tuna (cant remember the last time actually) and its not like I work with mercury on a daily basis.




Well that's always good when your in the normal range.

Sebastian Howe

Glad to see you haven't jeopardized your health for our entertainment! (at least in this aspect)


Glad to hear it!

Ben Gruver

Woo! I'm a bit surprised, but glad to hear it :D


Good to know I can plunge myself armpit-deep into a toilet tank full of mercury and still be within normal range. Gonna go get to that now...Although I do enjoy a can of tuna now and then...better not risk it.


That's awesome man! Good deal! =]


Amazing. I was expecting them to be a bit more elevated, that's great news

Paul Grodt

Back when I was regularly working with leaded pewter, I thought about getting tested. I never got around to it though. It might be nice if you made a vid about this that we can point the safety alarmists to.


Looks like your not going insane after all. Glad your ok


Congratulations on not dying :D


Does this mean you're safe to eat?


I freaking love tuna. I probably should get tested.


Do you think this is because of your procedures for dealing with mercury, or rather the forms of mercury you deal with? I know you stress in other videos that certain forms are much more susceptible for absorption, as opposed to elemental mercury. Does knowing how chemicals interact help you safeguard in any way?


it may be helpful to take a mineral supplement so the body does not hold on to the mercury as it might if you have adequate metals like iron ,zinc and several others used int ionising absorption of nutrients you might want to read up on Chelation therapy this will very in accordance with which metal you have to much of.


glad to hear that the exposure is not to bad, but knowing how to handle too much metal in your system can be very time sensitive. will be sending you some gold plated mixed pins for rings soon if a few others are generace maybe you will have enough for for a nice set of rings keep up the grate video liked the toilet, one big thumbs up.


it definitely does. metallic mercury, according to the mao clinic is completely non toxic and that is what I normally work with. I do try to stay well ventilated and I do wear gloves for other forms of mercury.


6 micro-grams per liter is about 1/10th as high as canned tuna but my flesh may contain more. in terms of mercury I may be safe to eat but my epidemiology teacher did say that the number one way of creating new plagues is by eating monkeys, so there's that to worry about.


i was unclear your body will hold on to the mercury longer if you are deficient i n metallic minerals and there are foods you can eat to speed the process. good luck ,i became a patron because i thoroughly enjoy the video's you do keep up the interesting work.


darn that was supposed to be (in metallic minerals,)and (speed the process of excretion.)


sorry for the dyslexic typing lol.