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I'll be making the final pass of edits to this video tomorrow morning (like in 8 hours..) so now is your chance to get something changed. :)


Codys mine 15 rough draft

Hare is what I have so far on part 15, feed back is much appreciated.



Alright, that's some nice aerial shots. What multicopter did you use for it? I'm going to Washington State this week for work and was going to bring my Phantom 3 Adv for some exploring (FL is boring/flat, I want mountains!) but.. kind of tempted to just buy a Phantom 4 while I'm there instead of trying to figure out how to bring the damn thing with me (sort of an excuse to upgrade.) Elsewise, woohoo on the mine stuff working out.


on that drill you have that doesn't work, you might try electrolysis rust removal on it to start tearing it down as well as clean up the parts.

Chuck Lynch

There is going to be some serious progress on the mine now. I bet you're glad you don't have to drill them by hand anymore.


It was a phantom 4. it is pretty sweet its arthur's but I want to get one of my own now.

Paul Grodt

In the realm of your mining vids, one of your next goals should be to set up some water-misters. They'd help quite a lot with the dust issue. You should be able to rig something up using the same air compressor and a decent sized reservoir...and if I recall correctly, you've already got at least one; just a question of it being located near enough, I suppose.


Cody, during those drone shots, what was that large flat area surrounding the peak. Looked like a body of water. I gotta make it up to Utah someday, looks beautiful.


Wouldn't the high lead content be a problem in the water runoff?


Hey Cody. Have to admit as someone who lives in suburban Sydney (australia) I'm extremely jealous of your ranch. Have you started to process any ore from your Mine?