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After a couple failed attempts I'm pretty sure that I have measured light pressure.


How Much Does Light Push?

I measure the force produced by shining a laser on a mirror. First video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKluWwojOls How to build the balance: http://sci-toys.com/scitoys/scitoys/mathematics/microgram_balance/balance.html Music: https://soundcloud.com/cardiffgerhardt Help me make videos and see them early by donating here: https://www.patreon.com/CodysLab



Video is not working for me


300 000 000 W of power to apply 1 N of force holy shit


your passion for "Real" science is so refreshing. Keep up the good work and keep seeking your own proof for the answers. Your an awesome young man.


Brilliant experiment design! Glad you got such rewarding results for your hard work!

Chuck Lynch

Just had a thought and it's going to be a damned expensive modification... That rod you are using seems to have a lot of flex, you would probably get a more accurate reading if you replaced it with something that was stiffer. Hardened tool steel, tungsten, titanium.


That would sure help with dampening and would make adjusting it easier but it wasn't something that I couldn't work around. though in the beginning I had large movements in the opposite direction as I would expect and those went away when I taped the wires close together. the magnetic field from the wire was messing with the scale! that wouldn't have been a problem if the beam was titanium.


Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world...


Assuming the lever is massless we can do D=fd/f to find the length of the lever needed. If the earth were one meter from the fulcrum, in order to move the earth the lever would need to be 2.245 x10^32 meters long or 2.373x10^16 light years


is that assuming the earth's mass is in a 1G feild? Because technically I move the earth just my pointing the laser at the sky, lol, but dammn thats longer than the observable universe is wide!