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Hey all in case you where wondering what I was up to in California last week. Can you guess what it is? Hint: My truck is fully loaded with as much weight as it is rated to carry. (1/4ton)




Depleted uranium!


If I have to transport it again I think I will put it in a cooler with some dry ice.

CodysLab (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-13 07:08:58 無邪気で清楚な娘ちゃんが頰を赤く染めて乱れる姿がカワイくてたまりませんな(˘ω˘) 清楚な服の下に隠された大きめのお胸もエッチですね(˘ω˘)
2016-08-23 17:07:40 Its a little lighter than that ;)

Its a little lighter than that ;)




I have no clue. Mercury?




What does mercury cost in quantities like that?

Chuck Lynch

I'm sure it's probably futile to ask what you are going to do with all that Mercury as the response would likely be "It's a surprise". I'll ask anyways... What are you going to do with all that Mercury?


Lol! Yea Cody! Its mercury time. Can't wait to see what fun you'll have with this. Projectiles are boring tho. Don't get me wrong I still love watching it anyway, just ehhh. Any sort of chemistry projects you can have fun with here? (rhetorical) I guess we'll see soon enough. Either way, fun fun fun, science science science!


Real question tho. Can you even pick one of those canisters up? Seems dangerously heavy. Hope there's an easier way.


Its official value as set by the government(?) is ~50$ a pound. most places will sell it as scrap for 15$ a pound but I got it for less than 5$ a pound because the guy wanted it out of his house ASAP. After I am done "playing" with it I plan to re-sell most of it.


It is a surprise but I will say that I have always wanted to recreate the "bed of mercury" that a Chinese emperor supposedly sleped on.

Mark Rose

I wonder if mercury will drip through uranium like it drips through a lead-mercury amalgam: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JW8YGTdTjA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JW8YGTdTjA</a> Mercury will amalgamate with a lot of elements, so I wonder how it would interact with any of the lanthanides or actinides.


As a safety feature to keep it from spilling if a container leaks?


Would that be six approximately 3 liter containers of mercury?


You should make your own mercury cell for Chloralkali Process. 👍