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Using Dyer's Woad to Dye a Shirt

I use a common weed and some other easy to get ingredients to dye a shirt light blue. Help me make videos by donating here: https://www.patreon.com/CodysLab



Cody's Kitchen


Looks like you are a little bit dehydrated there, Cody. That urine is pretty dark......

Paul Grodt

Hey, Cody, awesome vid as usual! I wonder, have you ever seen the show "Worst Jobs in History"? They have a delightful segment on the traditional tudor-era techniques for rendering woad into chemically set indigo. If you haven't, it's worth a watch; at the very least, you get to see a great shot of that seriously magical looking reaction when the color change happens almost immediately after pulling the fabric: <a href="https://youtu.be/8QUd-cTNT8o?t=30m51s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/8QUd-cTNT8o?t=30m51s</a>


We have those plants in southern California pretty much everywhere and call them "mustard". They grow very well here, I'll go hiking and hit dense fields of them growing 5-7 feet tall. I had been told back in school (so it's likely completely wrong) that the Spanish missionaries brought them here for different reasons depending on which school year it was, but none of them where for dye, which seems a lot more plausible than any of those.


I like this very much. MacGyver would be proud!


Cody, in case you ever need it again, thiourea dioxide is available from dye suppliers. I'd recommend Dharma Trading company, out of California. I've been buying from them for 30 years; it's a good company.


I think the color darkens over time as it decomposes... if the urine was over a day or two old i think that color is normal