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Messed up a bit on the pour but this was a practice run notice the much larger mushroom that I was plastering? 😉 I had to use that footage because plastering this little mushroom unfortunately didn’t get filmed.


Lost mushroom casting?



That is a fun short video. Are you going to use the same kind of mushroom on the next run?


That is beautiful ! Just amazing work, you've captured so much detail. I love that you get to keep this mushroom forever. Cody this is a piece of art. I'd love to see what other specimens you might capture in such a spectacular fashion. You've made me want a brass mushroom lol


Awesome :) I'm looking froward to seeing you cast the huge mushroom.


bet people would pay a good bit for a log that has brass mushrooms growing out of it...or brass and real if the log would keep its structural integrity

Max Eliaser

Good editing in this one!


You are very creative and cleaver. I made brass by heating copper with zinc and lye. Keep up the great work.

Peter Guhl

Nice! BTW: It would kind of make sense to cast brassicae in brass. Kind of.


Someone has been watching Bigstackd, very nicely done, that final shot had me thinking you had mixed up the establishing shot (it was that well casted)

Calum Stevens

Worked a lot better than I thought it would! Esspecially with such a "hot" metal as molten brass.


what if these grow on venus, or mercury? :D

Mike Hanley

Maybe some brass honeycomb next?

Bryan Humphreys

I really like this! I always wondered if it was possible to preserve a mushroom shape using aerogel technology. Like using a supercritical solvent to remove the water but keep the structure intact. Probably not, I feel like the pressure & temperature conditions would probably ruin the structure anyways, but fun to think about.

Mike Hanley

Actually that could work great using the lost wax casting process!

Nani Isobel

That came out really nice. Cool


A mushroom Idol for the mushrooms to worship.

David Bittner

You should leave it in the wilderness for a traveler to find. But send me the coordinates for reasons


It's beautiful.

