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so if in my next video you see my right index finger with a burn you will know why.


Copper And Iron thermite

Here is 5 grams of Iron oxide followed by 5 grams of copper oxide based thermite. Both had the same grain size.



I bet that felt wonderful


Dang, that is scary! Can't wait to her the "why".


Mmmm .. thermite roasted fingers! Dang I've never seen thermite explode like that before


About 5 months ago i was making some smoker grenades when i wanted to try to make a flash grenade. Well i left the mixture open and stuck a fuse on it and lit it. The sparks from the fuse hit the mixture early and it blew up in my face covering my entire arm in white powder. My hand was burned and they flash bang part really worked because it blinded me for about 30 seconds.

Paul Grodt

Grant, it's very cool to see you here supporting Cody. I very much like the idea of us like-minded people helping and collaborating with each-other.

Paul Grodt

An improperly thought out experiment of mine years ago left me with 2nd and partial 3rd degree burns on my hand. I can commiserate. But you have to admit, Cody, that footage is just gorgeous!


Cool! So if you can make thermite out of iron and copper what other "thermites" can be made?