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so many of you have mentioned that the mythbusters are rebooting with a new host. I've looked into it and am entering into the contest. any ideas for what I should do for the video? I'm thinking something like my mars one application video but if you have a great idea to make me stand out I'd love to hear it!



This is great news! You're such a great fit for the role, I really hope you get it. As for suggestions, I would just keep it short and sweet, show that you are comfortable being in front of a camera (I'm not sure, but I would bet that they are looking for a host that is also a scientist and not the other way around). I would follow that with a short compilation of your best moments from your YouTube channel. Whatever you do, be sure to post the application video here before sending it out to the contest, that way you can get some opinions in time to make adjustments, if necessary. Can't think of much more for now. Wish you the best of luck!


I would post a video of you busting your own myths you know of keep it short and to-the-point but entertaining and show that you're comfortable around the camera and let you know what you're doing


going on with iCach0's comment, i think your video should be a very brief description on how you do things (whether you find yourself saying this in one of your previous videos or if you want to make a new video saying this), and then leave it to some of your best moments on your channel. My personal favorites would either be when you do things in the mine, or when you made that big-scale explosion with the oxygen. Good luck man!


Please continue doing Youtube videos. Mainstream TV will waste your talent and take away you ability to control quality. Myth busters turned into a fake science show about blowing things up. You are doing good work now and should keep at it. If you are looking to make more $, propose some ideas on your youtube channel like selling kits, books, classes, etc.

Paul Grodt

I've had friends get into reality television both via Bar Rescue and Big Brain Academy. It is just such a miserable and painfully artificial process. The producers tell whatever story they want to tell by recording hundreds of hours of video and then editing together whatever they need. If they were looking for mythbusters via the traditional process, that'd be fine, it could be an awesome job. but this reality show competition format for selecting a mythbuster is going to be a big vat of cringe....imho.


I agree with the others. Keep doing what you are doing (and finish school). You are building a very unique niche!


Cody, this is a big crossroads, and it's coming at you very fast. Do you want a life of discovery, or a life of fame? Fame is beguiling, but if you choose it too soon, you may not be able to go back. You will always have the qualities for both, but discovery requires a larger investment while your brain is still young. Becoming famous before you have the science under your belt might be a flash in the pan. Becoming famous a little later when you have something solid to be famous for will last. And you will be taken seriously. You can always be like Bill Nye, but if you want to be like Neil deGrasse Tyson and Neil Armstrong, you'll need to keep your focus and do the harder work to get there. Either way, I wish you the very best of luck! You are a fine young man with a very bright future.


Neat, good luck. My myth to prove or disprove, bees will swarm follow you ,or wait for you if you go under water. My opinions, use a tripod or have Canyon film, have some good science jokes like Adam Savage did. Show how much fun you can have.


Knowing bees Ithink the water would wash off the sting marker and make them loose interest. I absolutely could test it though!


Do what you feel you need to in life. In my opinion don't look a gift horse in the mouth, don't just reach for the stars; grab on to those stars and make them your b*%Ç#. We'll be here cheering you on, just like if you get chosen for the the Mars One trip. You will always be able to come back to us knowing that you tried. Suggestions: I really like the simplicity of the eating dry ice! or any of the Leidenfrost effect videos. Other things you could include would be to add to your reel and be cool / show off your science skills: __ show some of the science behind the propulsion / rocket tests you've done. __ The videos for pouring of liquid nitrogen etc into a grease fire. __ Don't forget the cool firearm/underwear videos. __ The cool neat videos where you really showed/explained your scientific process and proved/disproved what you were thinking. The hydrochloric acid for example.


I'm not a big fan of mythbusters, but with you as a host I might become one. My suggestion for videos to show off: definitely "urine to explosives". I found the video of making nitric acid using high voltage sparks also interesting. Pouring liquid oxygen/nitrogen into burning grease. And the video where you extract iodine from seaweed was also interesting. Send them a good mix of explosions, high voltage and interesting chemical experiments.

John Creasey

Anyone stupid enough to get rid of Adam Savage should be avoided.


I know this is way past due, but I thought I'd add my two cents: Mythbusters seems to me to be a bit of a sinking ship; why hitch your wagon to that? It was once great, but it got progressively douchier and just kinda dumb. And now they've got rid of the personalities that made it what it was? What kind of production company is this? It's like when they replaced all the Top Gear guys with random people and friggn Joey from friends. I mean it genuinely when I say you are better than this. Second, look at what you have, what you have done, and in the time you have done so. You are singlehandedly making something really great and I attribute it mainly to your humility, ingenuity, and bravery. I know for a fact you can achieve your dreams, so achieve them on your terms. Every day you are proving that you can. When things get tough, there are plenty who'll be willing to help, even from inside this community you are creating. But if it's a myth you want to bust, water into acid seems to blow the most gaskets. :) And for what it's worth, of course you could host Mythbusters.