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sound of being shot at

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When I first read the title I thought this was gonna be a waaay different video

Tony B

Same, Cody has talked before about how to avoid his big tanks getting shot at by randos...


I guess the 2nd shot landed behind the camera?


in the sagebrush at the bottom of the hill just to the right of the road.


can you leave out the sound of the camera where you shooting from?


First, i think that was an amazing first shot! And without a scope! Second, i like how the cloud seemed as chasing you when you drove away. Keep up the good work


that’s cool! i take it that on the target side, the first sound is the bullet breaking the sound barrier/ hitting the ground the a crack, then the boom of the gun traveling at the speed of sound... the delta between crack and boom is how much faster the bullet sped faster than sound over the 3/4 mile it was traveling?


now you are looking to get demonetized...


Dude, I thought you recorded that sound while being shot at.

Paul Grodt

"You never hear the shot that gets you." Speed of sound: CONFIRMED.


This reminded me of the horrible vegas shooting. The audio from that made me lose sleep for weeks. Don't go looking it up. You hear the smack of bullets hitting the ground then the sound of the gun. Sometimes you didn't hear the smack just the gun sound which meant something caused that bullet to not hit the ground and there wasn't much there but people. I don't know why we don't look back at that day and mourn like we do for other mass shootings or 9/11 but it was one of the worst shootings in US history. With over 600 injured (a bunch by by trampled) and 60 dead. Sorry for going on this tangent, it's late for me.

trevor welch

Only two shots, Cody has definitely tried to buy ammo recently and realizes how hard it is to A) find something in stock B) find something at a reasonable price


Cheapest 30-06 training ammo in stores here are 3.25$ a pop. It’s insane.


what was that sound before the first shot?

Andreas Nohl

Would it be possible to sum in more, to see the flash?


Knowing some of the things you've said in past videos, I thought maybe someone else was shooting at you!

Mike Hanley

That is not a sound I ever want to hear myself!


Maybe, you can place another microphone at a known distance from the two cameras and perform some triangulation experiments.


I'd like to see a replay at the end with the video/audio from the camera being shot at without the shooting camera video/audio. It was cool seeing both, but then I want the shot at experience on it's own!


Mostly because there are gun lobbyists that don’t want people to remember about why we need to fix the gun culture in America? We need sane gun regulations so that the answer doesn’t have to be “no guns.”

Darren Hughes

Neat video Cody. We did a similar thing with a bow and arrows once, but a bullet at 3/4 of a mile was much cooler. Thanks for all the great videos and what we've all learned from them. Darren, NV


I think it’d be neat to have the following scenarios: 1) shoot completely over the top, and just hear the sound of the bullet going past (and then maybe the muzzle blast after?) 2) hit in front of the camera, so you can see dust kick up and hear bullet impact sound and then muzzle blast. The camera you are shooting towards would probably be best set up on a hillside without much vegetation so you can see the dust kick up where the bullet hits.


That was my first guess too. Was slightly concerned.