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Just tested it for 20 minutes while walking around outside and didn’t have any issues.

Given the capacity of the batteries and the reduced draw thanks to the dimmer I should be able to stay in this getup for just over 3 hours.

Even if I don’t use for covid, it should make an awesome bee suit or something to wear while digging in the dust.


Suit upgrade



Ha. Your neighbors must be used to this sort of thing by now. =) Good to see happy posts.


That is awesome. Great stuff.

Peter Guhl

Is it as loud and annoying as it seems to be? (Not that it wasn't cool, though. It's not like I had to wear it; you are the one who has to be OK with it)


1rst, why 2 blowers?? 2nd, isn't it noisy as hell un that helmet? how are you protecting your eardrums??


It’s actually quieter inside than out. Two blowers for redundancy and allow for periodic cooling of the motor.


Are you running both blowers at the same time? If not, you could wire up a DPDT switch to swap between inverters to supply a single blower and reduce the weight.

Andreas Nohl

Is it getting cold inside with all the fresh air pumped in? Is the resistance, to pump it in to the clothing, so that it reduces the airflow a lot? Would you not be better of with the hood outside?(lower resistance, longer battery live, clean shoulders at work… . The “of the shelve” hoods are soo expensive. I wanted one for grinding and stuff, but several K€ for such an easy thing? I guess the most money goes to profit and getting the proof labels.

Calum Stevens

Perfect for those "high pollen count" days!


We need moar clips from your walk!


cant wait to see peoples reactions at walmart this time


why not use dc blowers instead of inefficiency of inverters?


You would need something more like a good HEPA filter to keep the covid out. Just an idea for the next version.


How long do the batteries last and could you improvise it to act as self fume hood device for toxic materials?


I like the idea tho.


Because of the high efficiency, control, and long duty cycle of the induction motors.


Time to go grocery shopping!

Clifton Ballad

Please, Dont get me wrong, I love the build. If you are that worried get an off the shelf PARPA hood. My old miller Adflo (2003ish) would run solid for around 6-8 hours depending on the filter I used. I know the newer ones are cheaper/lighter/more efficient.


Why two separate inverters? For more power output or longer battery life?


I would reckon he wants maximum redundancy though in that case I'm surprised he didn't make the speed control redundant, or at least include a switch with to bypass the controller and run the blower at full speed if it fails


My little brother asked what you were doing, so I said you were building a spacesuit


At least it's quieter than the other model...



Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-11 05:26:26 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BT32T1M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glc_fabc_M8X704EW9FSY6DHX8W5Z?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 It's a programmable relay timer switch. Or arduino comes to mind to automate things. I'm still consider a beginner but made some projects with arduino.
2021-04-01 03:29:21 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BT32T1M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glc_fabc_M8X704EW9FSY6DHX8W5Z?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 It's a programmable relay timer switch. Or arduino comes to mind to automate things. I'm still consider a beginner but made some projects with arduino.

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BT32T1M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glc_fabc_M8X704EW9FSY6DHX8W5Z?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 It's a programmable relay timer switch. Or arduino comes to mind to automate things. I'm still consider a beginner but made some projects with arduino.