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Tried out something new. It was less cringe in my head. Let me know what you think.


ChickenHole Base Ep. 16: Avatar War On Aphids

I take control of robo cody and do tasks around the base from the comfort of the lander hab. Help me make videos by donating here: https://www.patreon.com/CodysLab Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/codydonreeder SubReddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/codyslab/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/CodysLab



yaay! This Halloween turned into a good evening with this :) best wishes from Germany, stay healthy!


Awesome video! I assume you know, but there are several minutes of black screen at the end with images interspersed throughout. Are you worried about CO2 build-up in your little insulated sleeping place? I remember when I used to drape blankets around my bunk bed and it got very stuffy in there. Not cringe at all by the way.


fun video! one note... at around 12:13 mark, the video goes black, some photo slideshow encoding error? I see a few photos show up later and then towards the end but something isn't quite right on this end.


I like it! Fits well with the theme of the video. The black seems to just be between the photos in the outro segment. Not as cringe as you think it is. I find that's something I do when editing too. Most of the time it's not as cringe as I think. Great work, I'm excited for more!


what happened around 12:12


I think it was just the right amount of cringe.


It was nice. I like the idea of slowly taking the mars hab. framing more and more seriously.


to deal with ants farming aphids on my habanero plant, i had to order ladybug larvae


+1 for current bush!


Cody, you're definitely not cringe! You're a very wholesome YouTuber and you've had a major impact on my life for a very long time

Kai Christensen

Cody, I GENUINELY didn’t think that was cringey at all! I’m always happy for another update from CHB!

József Krisztián Kovács

Its not cringe if you dont over do it Cody. In my opinion it was about the right amount too, so good job, and keep doing it.

Martin Sona

What's supposed to be cringe about it? I don't see it.


I'd say minor cringe, kinda of hard to watch because this can be dealt with using neem oil or insecticidal soap, with a higher rate of success. On the other hand I like to see you try new things especially things pertaining to the situation, which this definitely did. I just don't want to see you miss out on progress spending too much of your focus doing so. There is definitely a balancing act between trying new things and just getting stuff done, and your doing great so far! Love the series


I don't know, have you tried some shredded garlic cleaner


Have you tried the garlic aphid spray? I heard they ward off the aphids but also the bees, but doable and biodegradable.



Martin Sona

Where would you yet garlic on Mars though? It should be ISRU in some way. I'm saying try more CO2 for longer.


I actually wonder if something like this has been researched before and can be applied here. I think that some commercial greenhouses artificially add CO2 to the atmosphere to help plants grow so maybe that could have something about it, but I had never thought of using it this way. This video is cool because the killing of pests in farming really has not changed that much relative to how long farming has been around. There are like new chemicals which are more targeted etc, but the main techniques are similar. I used to do lots of hydroponics during the droughts in California and even taught workshops on it, but have slowed down now that I am in college. Your videos include genuinely new ideas I find inspiring and I thank you for that.

Martin Sona

That video made me realize how much I miss good old Codyworld. Today I will watch all beekeeping videos in a row. Who's with me?


This video is missing some of the ending. The YouTube version appears to be complete. Very good video content.


I've been wondering how chb has been going. It has motivated me to get back in the garden and plant out more seedlings.


Normally you can keep the radiosonde, depending on the manufacturer they don't even reuse them if you send them back. If you want to track them they is a good software here https://github.com/projecthorus/radiosonde_auto_rx and you can follow what other are tracking here https://sondehub.org/


No cringe. Was super cool man. Even my girlfriend likes watching your videos and i can't get her to watch any kind of STEM directed stuff on youtube. You have got a good formula going for you. That robo cody is genius BTW! Freaking hilarious 🤣


Just a dissenting opinion on that: I actually like how he connects it to a resource that he might be able to harvest on mars rather than using a product that might be found on earth Perhaps he could try to grow neem though?


I love robocody, and the start where you pretend you put that mask on for evas!!


Cody what if you burned charcoal inside the greenhouse to reduce the oxygen and make carbon monoxide? Will it kill the bugs or hurt the plants?

Andreas Nohl

Have you thought about stinging nettle? They are very robust and that plant matter fermented is traditionally used to get rid of other plant parasites and infections. I only know to put it in a barrel and wait 2 weeks. But I do not know what is going on in there. Nettle are also good to connect Nitrogen from Air and store it in the Plants, if they rot other plants can use it.

Andreas Nohl

Have you thought about painting some trees white, with lime? That is often done to fruit trees to save them from heat and drying out in winter by holding them frozen for longer. If that helps it could be a hint that it is really missing water.


It appears you need higher concentration of CO2, i checked few research papers and commercial offers, and appears they all mention 50-60% over few days not hours(and AFAIR low concentration works as anesthesia for some insects - like when they milk spiders) :)


Loved it very immersive