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co2 gauge test

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I like this. I would perhaps read the documentation to find out, but as I'm frequently reminded in tech circles, documentation is often only a best guess. When you can, read the source code, especially if it's life or death.


This is actually really interesting. I wonder if there are some meters which have pressure compensation built in. I have played with some NDIR based CO2 sensors for other projects such as this one: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15112 and they seem to allow a pressure compensation input. I wonder if they would do better in this test.


If you put it in 100% CO2, how would this/light based/partial pressure/true PPM read?


Seems like you'd want to tape a barometer to this thing so that you can scale the reading to the ambient pressure. Edit: Might also not be a bad idea to pre-measure some different conditions and draw a lookup chart with pressure as one axis and the reading of the CO2 detector as the other axis. Can then keep it attached to the device and barometer assembly for quicker evaluation of your situation.


I think that it is actually measuring IR absorption so it is very specific to CO2 and the result is partial pressure in millionths of atmospheres.


Might be kind of fun to do a little electronics hack, pressure sensors are cheap and a pretty simple microcontroller could probably intercept the lines feeding the CO2 meter display, decode the value, scale it according to barometer reading, then pass along the corrected one to the screen. Not particularly in Cody's wheelhouse, however...


Measuring pressure is so easy you'd think they could compensate for it if they wanted to give you a PPM reading. My suspicion, though, is that the ppCO2 is what matters when it comes to CO2 exchange in lungs. If you were breathing 0.2 bar O2, 0.3 bar N2, and 500u bar CO2 (such as climbing Everest with a mask) the physiological effect wouldn't change.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-11 05:38:53 I'm curious what made you realize that this is likely the case. Also what about hyperbaric conditions? I guess when interpreted in pressure corrected way it will still display reasonably accurate values. But a check would not hurt. Btw: Do your plans for going hyperbaric still stand? If so: How far do you wanna go +30% / +100% ? The former could be done by a "simple" 3.33m high siphon I guess. If it where me then I'd do a quick rough check for the likelihood of cracks starting at the drilling/cutting holes in the tanks to form. The last thing you want is an explosive decompression. Also what about eventual very long therm toxicity of just slightly hyperbaric O2 and CO2 ? Is there literature on that? You might enter mostly uncharted territory here, which his awesome … Raising pressure with pure nitrogen is probably not an option due to expense & transport of gas bottles. Stay Safe! PS: Here's a "random" tip for a low effort diary and cross referencing note taking tool that I excessively use (replacing my file system): https://zim-wiki.org/ It can also export to *.html and be hosted for free on gitlab/github pages like this guy does here: http://jrm4.com/Tech_Guides.html
2020-07-26 12:31:01 I'm curious what made you realize that this is likely the case. Also what about hyperbaric conditions? I guess when interpreted in pressure corrected way it will still display reasonably accurate values. But a check would not hurt. Btw: Do your plans for going hyperbaric still stand? If so: How far do you wanna go +30% / +100% ? The former could be done by a "simple" 3.33m high siphon I guess. If it where me then I'd do a quick rough check for the likelihood of cracks starting at the drilling/cutting holes in the tanks to form. The last thing you want is an explosive decompression. Also what about eventual very long therm toxicity of just slightly hyperbaric O2 and CO2 ? Is there literature on that? You might enter mostly uncharted territory here, which his awesome … Raising pressure with pure nitrogen is probably not an option due to expense & transport of gas bottles. Stay Safe! PS: Here's a "random" tip for a low effort diary and cross referencing note taking tool that I excessively use (replacing my file system): https://zim-wiki.org/ It can also export to *.html and be hosted for free on gitlab/github pages like this guy does here: http://jrm4.com/Tech_Guides.html

I'm curious what made you realize that this is likely the case. Also what about hyperbaric conditions? I guess when interpreted in pressure corrected way it will still display reasonably accurate values. But a check would not hurt. Btw: Do your plans for going hyperbaric still stand? If so: How far do you wanna go +30% / +100% ? The former could be done by a "simple" 3.33m high siphon I guess. If it where me then I'd do a quick rough check for the likelihood of cracks starting at the drilling/cutting holes in the tanks to form. The last thing you want is an explosive decompression. Also what about eventual very long therm toxicity of just slightly hyperbaric O2 and CO2 ? Is there literature on that? You might enter mostly uncharted territory here, which his awesome … Raising pressure with pure nitrogen is probably not an option due to expense & transport of gas bottles. Stay Safe! PS: Here's a "random" tip for a low effort diary and cross referencing note taking tool that I excessively use (replacing my file system): https://zim-wiki.org/ It can also export to *.html and be hosted for free on gitlab/github pages like this guy does here: http://jrm4.com/Tech_Guides.html


I love it. Most people assume their equipment is keeping them safe. They rely on it without questioning it. Without testing it themselves. This is a perfect example of how relying on equipment could be either altering an outcome of an experiment, or become fatal. Question everything. Especially if your life could be depending on it. Take fact as fiction unless you can prove to yourself it's true. This simple video could very well save a life.