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now I want to see it with 8 more booms. 


Chain Of Thunder: Proof Of Concept test, camera 1 and 2

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Cody the 2020 Zeus? Finally something good to worship! I'm gonna build a shrine


You separated the charges based on the speed of sound so the camera's microphone would pick up both explosions at the same time, right? I wonder if fluctuations in atmospheric pressure have any significant effect on timing. At this distance, with this type of sound, my gut says probably not. Is your goal to see if you can "aim" a shockwave nexus to hit a particular point? Kind of like a shaped charge, but on a larger scale? Edit: I think WizardTim's guess, that the second charge was triggered by the shockwave from the first explosion, is more likely. Especially based on Cody's apparent reaction.


Wait so what’s going on here? Are you trying to make a 'stealth' explosion by masking the first explosion with a well timed second explosion or is the explosive just so sensitive it’s detonated by the shockwave?




Oh, that's an interesting thought. I thought they were intentionally timed so the sound of both explosions would hit the microphone (camera 2) at the same time. But if the second explosion is triggered by the shockwave, the result would sound the same, since the two explosions are almost inline with the camera. It would also explain why Cody seems to celebrate at the end. He wouldn't know that the two explosions hit the second camera at the same time, since he's not listening to the second camera's microphone (presumably). He's celebrating because he heard two explosions. I think you got it. Man, and I was so proud of my guess.


Cody, remember not to eat large quantities of beans. :)


If I'm thinking of the timing right (with more charges), if you were off to the side perpendicular to line of charges, the booms would speed up then slow down. Not doppler since it wouldn't be fast, slow-but a gradient instead. A side shot would be really cool either way.


Do you have enough mm of 80?