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Breathing all the Noble Gasses

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That impression you did when you put the glasses on was hilarious


What about breathing all the nobel gasses together in same mass and then volume proportion? What would happen?


Why does breathing a lungful of a noble gas cause hypoxia so much faster than simply exhaling and pausing? It seems like the oxygen in your blood shouldn't be depleted *that* quickly.


Are nobel gasses in liquid state soluble in each other or they just stratify in layers due to the difference in density? A glass tube with all nobel gasses in liquid state would be cool and awsome!


That funny and dangerous. Man I would not do that Man you got guts! Do not try at HOME!


.... and.... demonetized. YouTube will zap this in a heartbeat. But still awesome Cody.


Why would they bother? I've seen far worse things than this still monatized on YouTube.


Probably because even if you exhale, you still have a bit of air in your lungs from which oxygen can be extracted. If you now breath in the pure nobel gases it is much harder to use that little bit of air which is then mixed or even displaced by the heavier gases


Tech ingredients gives a really good explanation of why your voice changes if you wanted to reference that Cody


<a href="https://youtu.be/jxOzpPJbnTI" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/jxOzpPJbnTI</a>


Cool presentation! It's interesting that the heavier gases disolve into your bloodstream. Is that due to pressure? Or something else? I'd love to understand the science behind Noble gas anesthesia and compare that to other anesthesias


Back in the late 80's I worked construction in the summer to help pay for college and one of the first Safety Classes I went through was about what to do if you found someone incapacitated due to Argon inhalation. Move them to higher ground and position them with their head lower than their lungs so that the gas would drain out. LOL!

Brian Reddeman

Remined me of a DIY party balloon tutorial where a woman says she uses Carbon Dioxide for kids party balloons. For some reason all the balloons were floating. Never seen a Xenon filled balloon nor a video of someone talking after breathing it in.

Nani Isobel

Awesome video! I think YT would be snarky about it though. You could do "down dog" to help the heavier gasses drain. Get your mouth lower than your lungs. "downward facing dog"


If you had a balloon with the same composition as the martian atmosphere would it be a good way to hear what your voice would sound like on Mars? Or is the atmospheric pressure also important to consider?


Hmm. Why don't you have oxygen mask at hand? It might come handy if something fails.