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City Wants Me to Mow My Sugar Beets

Apparently the state vegetable is now considered a noxious weed. Time to move I guess.


Mark Trombley

Better than mowing your bees.


I'd cut the regular grass and go into city hall and tell them to kiss my ass


It excluded gardens I think you'll be good.


Just put some $3 landscape timbers around it so it goes from a weed patch to a cultivated garden: <a href="https://www.homedepot.com/p/Landscape-Timber-Cherrytone-Common-8-ft-Actual-96-in-7400001030408000/100051210" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.homedepot.com/p/Landscape-Timber-Cherrytone-Common-8-ft-Actual-96-in-7400001030408000/100051210</a>


Put a little picket fence around them so it looks like a garden <a href="https://www.wildflowerlawnsandmeadows.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/DSCF002513.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.wildflowerlawnsandmeadows.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/DSCF002513.jpg</a>


For a second there I thought they had some ground to stand on, but it explicitly "shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens." So now it's just hilarious.


Of all the projects you have going on, it's THE BEETS that you get dinged on? Amazing :)


I agree. Just cut the regular grass and ignore the rest. Also a sign "Cultivated Sugar Beets" may help the horticulturally challenged understand.


If you are like me... "I was planning on mowing them down in a couple weeks...but now I think I'll plant the whole front yard in them! ;-)


Mow those beets!


Doesn't include gardens, so I think you're safe.


Probably best to ignore it. If they come back, shrug and pretend that you didn't see any notice. Probably by that time you'll have your seeds and can avoid talking with bureaucrats. In the mean time, can't hurt to cut the grass and try and make things look a little more tidy to satiate the busy body neighbors.


Aren’t lawns by definition just large cultivated grass gardens??

Silviu T

I grow some herbs and vegetables that look like weeds; in order to not have such a problem with my town I have clearly surrounded the growing area ("garden") with some pieces of timber, the cheapest I could find. I also stuck poles at the corners and surrounded the whole plot with some netting, not too tall - primarily to keep the squirrels out but also for signaling a cultivated area. Haven't had any problems in 9 years with the town.


Seems like the officials over there have too much time on their hands. I would tell them where to stick those beets.


Maybe build a fancy looking rock/brick perimeter around it, just one or two bricks high. It would make it look more like a spot designated for a garden, and less like a patch of grass/weeds that need mowing.


According to the Logan, UT ordinances, your notice was improperly delivered: If the city inspector determines that property contains injurious, annoying or noxious weeds, garbage, refuse or any significant and substantial unsightly condition or deleterious objects which should be abated, the city inspector shall declare the same to be a nuisance and request corrective action either by the purchasers, occupiers or owners of the premises. Notice of the city inspector's determination and requested corrective action and the owner's, purchaser's or occupier's right to a hearing, shall be given by personal service on any occupant of the property who is over the age of fourteen (14) years or bymailing the same, postage prepaid, to the owner's last known address as disclosed by the records of the county assessor. -- Also, you have the right to an appeal to the mayor If the owner, purchaser or occupier disagrees with the city inspector's finding of the existence of a nuisance or the reasonableness of the city inspector's requested corrective action, either or any of them may, within fifteen (15) days from the date of the request, request that the mayor review the city inspector's decision complained of. Thereafter, the mayor shall set a time and a place to hear the matter. (Prior code § 6-2-8)


What I would do: Mow the grass nicely and tell them the nuisance grass has been rectified (it's clearly over 6 inches long). Tell them the sugar beets are exempt due to the fact that they're both cultivated flowering plants, as well as a garden. Offer to appeal to the mayor as is your right if the inspector doesn't budge (You have 15 days). If they come out and remove them, you'll lose your beets, and they'll charge you. If you don't pay the "fine" they'll sue you or put a lien on the property.


Keep the grass short and put a simple demarcation identifying the garden. A sign indicating the type of herb,vegetable or flower ,should help clarify for the uneducated.


I agree with this. A clearer demarcation would definitely help matters, though I'm sure a simple explanation would work as well.


Tell the city to beet it.


Yeah, government!


Man... nobody wants to beet it. Show em how strong and funky is your fight!


My understanding is, that they might not have called your plants weeds. The statement reads like any plant growth above 6 inches is prohibited.


I had the same thing happen, due to a neighbor complaining to the city code enforcement department. The city told me they don't go out hunting for violations, but they can't ignore valid complaints. They'd leave me a nastygram and come back a month later to see if I fixed it. After about 12 issues, for different nitpicky reasons, we re-landscaped our yard. Admittedly, our yard was absolutely terrible looking. Technically we still have several code violations, but since it "looks good" we haven't heard a peep. Our neighbor outted himself by gushing about the improvements and how he felt his house was worth more now.


Do a video where you try to reason with the by-law people - always entertaining!


Those are shrubs / ornamental plants. Just plant them in prettier formation next time. This time, seriously... fence them off and put a sign up for effect. You're not in violation of that code at all. Nosy neighbour can go bother someone else.

Brian Reddeman

Replace your lawn with B. Capitatum ("Strawberry spinach") and Dandelions. Both are cultivated plants. You can use the Capitatum berries for a red dye, isolate some of the compounds or even eat the leaves. Dandelions...one man's weed is another's veggie. High in vitamin c ;)

Silviu T

Sorry for a parody of a parody, but Have some more chicken Have some more pie It doesn't matter If it's boiled or fried Just beet it, just beet it <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcJjMnHoIBI" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcJjMnHoIBI</a>


Ok I think something is wrong with the patreon moble app. I keep getting notifications that people have commented but I don’t see any more than the 10 or so that was posted yesterday. Guess I’ll have to boot up the desktop and see if their are more visible there.


On the desktop version I have to click "Load more comments." I don't know what the mobile app looks like, but maybe that link isn't working for you.


"This term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens." I think the case is made right there. However, unless your municipality is extremely bored, it would seem that you may have an annoyed neighbor calling you in.


I would like to see your neighbors yards. Would be interesting comparison. Do they grow any invasive species to that area? I look forward to seeing what happens with your cultivated sugar beets.


I think in this instance it’s not worth the hassle to fight this. Large sugar beets do resemble many road side weeds.


I'd call someone but I'd also put a border around it so it looks more isolated from the grass. Maybe pea gravel or something that you can still mow over. Clearly it is way too neat to be naturally growing in rows. Good luck!


I disagree, just put a fence around it and clearly label it as a garden.


Based on my understanding of the letter, all you need to do is put a sign and / or fence clearly labeling it as a garden, and you should be fine.