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More x-ray questions answered



First :)


Can you x ray some different steels for alloy content like say a drill bit, a wrench, structural tubing and mild steel? Also Lead Crystal glass and Uranium coated Fiesta dinnerware would be cool, actually Fiesta ware would be a good video all on its own.

Michael Aichlmayr

There should be a rubber cover of the left side that has a mini USB port under it.


uranium metal and uranium glassware would be awesome . Which brings up a question, can you scan those elements with this gun and figure out what it is due to radioactive elements already producing radiation?


Cody should get a lead apron because PPE and I don't ever want these videos to end. Edit: I know it isn't that bad if he is careful and doesn't expose himself to it too often, but I don't want him to be safe just in case. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQ0P7R9CfCY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQ0P7R9CfCY</a> My hyperbolic nightmare.

Michael Aichlmayr

If I found the right model, you should be able to use the calendar function to export your results to files and grab them via the mini-USB.

Brian Reddeman

I bet the lead in your tin is a by product of manufacturing. Can I send samples to you instead? Maybe Cody's Lab can also be Cody's XRF Lab. :)


We automated data collection from an XRF hand held gun like yours at my job. We have a tray where we run up to 575 samples of rock at a time. I'm not sure what brand of XRF gun we have (I'll take a look Monday). Something else we developed was a home brewed normative mineralogy for determining approximate general mineral concentrations in the sample (quartz, clays, carbonates, pyrite, halite, and 2 or 3 others). I'd be happy to swap notes on the behavior of the XRF gun and the mineralogy calculations. I wish I could take it home and test it on stuff like you're doing.


x-ray the road dust you swept up for platinum

Silviu T

Cody, the label on that solder clearly says "silver bearing", just not in big letters at the top. It's in small print on the left, under the weight. Please go and watch the video again.


You should send that thing to AvE so he can take it apart and show us how it works


What model gun do you have? I'm trying to find info on getting you a cable but everything I'm looking at for a Olympus XRF Professional/Premium which seem to match your unit should have a micro usb connector. While it has that data port it only seems to be used with the bench case thing. All their models seem to ship with PC software making me think it would have to work with USB, there's no reference of a data cable that goes on the front of it.


Yeah, looking at the manual, the front connector is labeled the "docking station connector" and the "data port" is a mini usb on the left side to the screen behind a rubber cover. Uses a standard cable, now if it's software you need that might take a little more doing but should be possible. <a href="https://usenvironmental.com/download/manuals/Olympus+-+Delta+User+Manual.pdf" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://usenvironmental.com/download/manuals/Olympus+-+Delta+User+Manual.pdf</a>


This might be the software you need <a href="https://www.olympus-ims.com/en/downloads/detail/?0[downloads][id]=276827612" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.olympus-ims.com/en/downloads/detail/?0[downloads][id]=276827612</a>


Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't murcury have a vapor pressure at STP? If so, then wouldn't freeze-drying (vacuum technique) the tuna fish boil off the mercury as well? Could you collect the expelled gases from the freeze dryer and distill out all of the vapors? Hopefully capturing any boiled mercury too. What about chemically extracting the mercury? I find this experiment fascinating because I'd love to figure out how to remove the mercury or make it inert before I eat tuna fish!


IIRC Mercury vapour pressure is extremely low. That's why the Sprengel pump worked so well.


How would the XRF go at identifying more complex molecules at ~1% concentration, trying to find a way to detect polydimethylsiloxane concentration in a solution of mono-ammonium phosphate and water, without much success,


I could detect the silicon. I think for that I would make up a range of known concentrations and compare to the unknown.