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I stuck the tree video on the end, if you have seen it you dont have to re-watch. I'm thinking of removing it before going public.


flat earth disproof

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Thanks Cody, nice little home experiment! I feel like the flat earth thing is either just trolling or a tax evasive scheme because you know, nobody can be that ignorant. Love your videos and keep up the science!


Soo, how about the chemtrails passing by on the timelapse then?! EXPLAIN THEM WITH YOUR FANCY STYROFOAM!!!

Bob Ogden

Great explanation but honestly honoring flat earthers with a response is casting pearls before swine


Great videos. Would definitely sperate them, also maybe give some more background on the fire and Ranch that you are on for the second half of the video for people who are not OG Cody followers ;)


Really liked that little demonstration, keep it up.


Flat earthers don’t care much about science. It’s more a strong belief. If you want to convert some of them, instead of saying “disproving” try something like “Testing wether the earth is flat or not”. You see, you need to access their egos before you access their brains. If you pose this directly as DISPROVING they won’t even watch it.


I don't think this video really is about targeting and converting flat-earthers, but more about showing an interesting concept. If you wholeheartedly believe the earth is flat, then there is probably not a lot of content on Cody's channel for you to enjoy ^^. But anyways, are there actually serious flat-earthers out there? All I’ve ever seen is jokes and memes about the topic, but I have never met anyone who truly believes the earth is flat…Isn't there a chance that it's all just satire targeting dogmatism in general? At the end of the day, even if they do exist, they are probably just seeking the attention of those trying to disprove them. I say just ignore them. Like you said, trying to convert them is likely a fruitless endeavour from the get-go.


It is an interesting concept to try and imagine as if we were in the dark ages Europe. My question is whats The dark age fallacy now? Anthropogenic Global Warming? Or something else if any?


Great video Cody awesome work man. 👍🏼👍🏼


I believe the expression is :"Pissing up a rope"


The Earth is round ish leave the subject alone lol


Would love to see a video going over your indoor garden / aquaponics system, looks like it's changed a little from previous videos

U.S. Water Rockets

Please find a way to easily prove once and for all that we went to the moon. Moon landing deniers need to be quieted.


Request: Please put your Cody'sBlab videos on Patreon too so we can easily find them! I'd actually rather just view everything from Patreon rather than checking here, and two channels.


adorable cat