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sugar from beets

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It is lovely to see your continuing growth and improvement with time and experience! There's nothing like watching potential bloom! I look forward to the day you will be able to publish. =D


Cody when would the onions & garlic be ready for harvest? After Xmas?


Great job Cody! :)


That was awesome Cody! Have you thought about planting sugarcane? I live in South Mississippi and it's relatively easy to grow down hear but I'm not sure if it's suitable for your part of the country. There's a farm about 10 miles from me that makes syrup and sugar from sugarcane. If you're interested I can send you a couple of samples.


xD The song


Rumor has it it's possible to crystallize sucrose from water solution by adding copious amounts of ethyl alcohol (since sugar isn't all that soluble in alcohol). But I have to note that I wasn't successful when I tried doing that back in high school -- probably because using hot water to make syrup in the first place wasn't my brightest idea.