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penultamate week

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You should try to grow elephant garlic


What's the status on your Mars One candidacy?


would you be able to grow some mushrooms? would be a good winter project if you could find a space to store the medium indoors.


Hey cody whatever happened to the new water splitter?


Put sweet potatoes, garlic, and onions in that spot! Also please make a video on the sugars.


You forgot to state the % of your ethanoic acid? ;0 "liver-toxic fructose"? Probably not comparable to 'sugar of lead' ! :-)


How about some asparagus? It might do well there!


Will be interesting to see what you produced from a normal suburb lot, total numbers are great. Lookin good man.


Would it be possible for you to set up a small greenhouse in your garden and grow some vanilla or other rare stuff you otherwise would have to spend a lot of money for? And different topic: Will you ever return to your coilgun project or did you dump it completely? Because it woul be fun to see you launching modelrockets with that instead of chemical motors....


Please don't taste the lead acetate. You have a good brain and it would be a pity to damage it. Also store the poisons separately from potential foodstuffs. You, or someone else, are less likely to make an unfortunate mistake that way.


You should try some lactic fermentation with some of your produce. I know it works well with cucumbers, sweet potatoes, beansprouts, and of course, cabbage. I suspect it'd work for green tomatoes (perhaps adapt a kimchi recipe?). A little juice from store-bought sauerkraut or kimchi would kickstart the fermentation pretty well.


cabbage has the bacteria on it naturally to start fermenting! no need to add anything except salt (and possibly some spices). i've never tried it, but annecdotally I've heard the results are poorer if you add already fermented kraut to a fresh batch as it does not allow the cabbage to go through the full bactieral process.


What reusable canning lids do you use? I could only find these: <a href="http://shop.reusablecanninglids.com/shop.sc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://shop.reusablecanninglids.com/shop.sc</a> Kinda sad they use rubber gaskets, since those are sure to dry out and become useless after a couple of years. If I'm going to spend money on more permanent lids, I'd like silicone gaskets!