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So today my sugar or rather "sweets" collection grew to the point that it takes up an entire shelf in my pantry. That is 40 entries! and still growing! granted many are repeats such as about 5 different forms of sucrose (brown, beet, cane, raw, powdered) but I've actually removed the non sweet ones like cellulose.  I want to make another video on the topic once I've added a few more entries to bring the total up to a round 48. I just made a post on facebook about buying L-glucose link here: https://www.facebook.com/codydonreeder/photos/a.125195431152414.1073741828.122087404796550/533052397033380/?type=3&theater )




Sweet tooth much?


You need to harvest the nectar of some flowers, and what about some aphid dew! Haha, don't know if I could be tempted to do the dew! My grandmother showed me how to get the nectar out of a Nasturtium. You cut the narrow end of the trumpet part of the flower, and then suck on it. You could get a tiny bit of very sweet nectar.


Could get Honeysuckle nectar, would take a heck of a long time but it can be done


Lead acetate!? Is there also ethylene glycol?


yes there is, I've tasted the glycol but have yet to try the lead.


Get sugar by hydrolyzing wood. No joke; you can literally make homework syrup LOL


I was actually thinking of that as a method of eating my hat if I had to.


I have a couple types of cane and palm sugar if you want more - Piloncillo (mexican sugar cones, which is raw cane sugar) and Vietnamese Yellow Rock Sugar, which I believe is crystallized palm sugar extract.