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mercury relay 'unboxing'

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Oops LOL I’m surprised you still have 10 fingers, how many did you start with 11 or 12? 😝 Seriously though, what’s the worst you’ve been hurt while sciencing?


He said it was when he accidentally leaked chlorine gas in his shed and had to run though the cloud to get out


My goodness Cody, don't you have a pair of wire cutters? Or even a flat-head screwdriver at the very least? This was cringe worthy stuff.


So, what exactly were you trying to get out of it anyways? Jw cause I dealt with mercury relays before (old ones which blew up) and usually the person if anything is interested in getting the mercury.

Adric Menning

doing it over a dish would have been best from the start.


All over the table... and probably the room. Good thing we already have a cleanup video on his channel somewhere! I took apart a differently designed one of these several months back, it had a steel can with the mercury under seemingly just atmospheric pressure. Of course, the burning question is: what are the contacts made of!? Mercury doesn't hardly wet anything, not without dissolving it! Yet there it was, stuck right to the contacts.


Right, I get that from your earlier videos. But we both know mercury rolls right off most things - does it wet iron? I really don't know.