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Garden 16

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Would neem oil be safe for the fish?


Why not add more fish, Cody?


Great system


I think two week updates would be fine. Have you had a chance to track the water usage v. Electricity for the pumps. I am curious as to what the cost is.

Ben Gruver

I love the clip of the partridge at the end


Cody, the yellow cuke leaves with green veins is a nutritional issue--probably magnesium.


How do partridge eggs compare to regular chicken eggs?


I had a clip of baking with them but I cant seem to find it. they are pretty much the same except it takes 2 of them to equal a small chicken egg and the proportion of yoke is much larger, that said the yoke is far easier to separate from the whites. also this might just be from what I feed them but the eggs are really hard to crack, like I need to score them with a knife before I can get them open.


well it has a warning to not contaminate water sources with it. My guess is that the fish can handle more of it than other pesticides but I'd keep it to a minimum with fish in the system.


just a lot of work, I wanted to do crayfish in the bigger system at the ranch but I never had time to do it.


I do intend to make a video on this but so far it looks like 5 to 10 gallons of water a day and the pumps use a total of about 80 watts but they are on for only about 1/4th the time so it ends up being about a nickel a day for electricity.


but wouldn't all the cucumbers have the same issue since they share water?


two weeks seems fine


Where do you get your chemical? I have a hard time with that


Cody , put up some security cameras facing all your plants. It may help deter someone messing up all your hard work. Unfortunately where I live, someone would wreck it just for fun. I'm hoping this would not be the case for you. I worry that one day I will see a video of damage done.


Could you try to analyze the nutrient content of your solution with a simple spectrophotometer like this one: <a href="https://publiclab.myshopify.com/collections/spectrometry/products/desktop-spectrometry-kit-3-0?variant=7183158980" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://publiclab.myshopify.com/collections/spectrometry/products/desktop-spectrometry-kit-3-0?variant=7183158980</a>


yes I've actually thought about getting one and doing just that.