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garden 6 21

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It's cold and wet here in southern Brazil at the moment...this video helped lift my spirits a little bit haha


Looking good cody. Kinda wish I had the same drive for the outdoor planting and animals on my property


Be careful with the alcohol--repeated spraying can dehydrate the leaves. People spray it as a weed killer. And too much boric acid will harm the soil--try diatomaceous earth. The next tenants might want to plant there.


It's hard to contact you Cody :) I'd consider putting your woodchips/sawdust on the field of potato, or under strawberries, I did not see any negative impact, check out the video, you can find some photo of my sawdust covered potato field too (on facebook) <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7DfvcJpy50" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7DfvcJpy50</a> <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/codyslab/comments/6er0tk/gardening_with_cody_week_7_hydroponic_system/dii6zwb/?st=j49v7wth&amp;sh=74c9d25d" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.reddit.com/r/codyslab/comments/6er0tk/gardening_with_cody_week_7_hydroponic_system/dii6zwb/?st=j49v7wth&amp;sh=74c9d25d</a>


Does the fence on the ground hurt the bunnies/ birds feet? Also I missed when you did chemistry things like with metals and all. Is there a P O box you feel us comfortable sending you things in? I'd like to send you some cool fan mail! Of course not excessively and not random junk but I also would understand if you wanted to keep you privacy! Keep it up Mr. Reeder ( is that how you spell it)


Hi Cody, I'm from Western Australia and we use a mixture of water and molasses for natural bug repellent :)