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honestly  I think I'll change the name of the series to gardening with Cody or something I think that would releave some confusion. anyway here is the first 7 minutes of the video, I'll do some edits and add in the last 3 minutes just as soon as I film them tomorrow morning. 


Bye Bye booshes

here is the first 7 minutes of a 10 minute video



I would go on calling it what it is: aquaponics! Anyone can look it up, and anyone searching for aquaponics can find it.


I second this. We know what it is about. Honestly would be fine either way.


You need to buy a house so you can do whatever you want. It would be great! :D


I have heard that some junipers are allelopathic. You might want to research your variety before using the chips to plant in.

U.S. Water Rockets

Spoiler Alert: This video has a real cliffhanger ending!


leave the grass... I guarantee that someone will complain if there is garden right to the sidewalk.


Could you leave a bucket of chips to do some pyrolysis for methanol and/or pyrolysis oil? I don't know if you'd actually find a use for them, but it'd be cool.


Won't the juniper mulch be very acidic? All the pine/evergreen I've ever harvested and used was very acidic, which is why nothing grows below them.