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model liquid fueled rocket

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And have you considered working together with Simone Giertz (👑💩🤖) from Tested. It could be so much fun.


Simple experiment compared to your usual stuff but I think a lot of your younger viewers would appreciate something like this they can follow along with without asking their parents questions like "Hey mom, can I borrow your ring and can you please buy me some cyanide?" Great video, dude :)


couldn't you generate more thrust be adding some check valves on the inlet hoses, so the pressure can't run up through the inlet?


Check valve only prevents reverse flow from occurring. As long as net flow/ pressure is towards the output, the check valve will be open. When the valve is open, pressure can act in both directions.


This is the most generic and boring experiment I could think of. What are you gonna do next - a cola and mentos rocket? At first I thought this was meant as a joke, but the outro made clear that you were indeed serious. And was the credit part really necessary? That experiment seems so old it ought to be in the public domain. It's not like you came up with any of that. The most interesting part was that you can buy brushless sealed electric motors now. And the "watch some ads on my channel" part was so dumb. Watching ads is just not in any way a good hourly salary and you are WAY better off to just give the people you really like a dollar or so. You know that, I am sure.

Jonathan Greene

It would be cool if you did the same experiment but make a track out of metal and put magnets on the bottom of the skateboard. Make a hoverboard with a baking soda and vinegar engine. As always, great video.