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Customized video: I will private message the two lucky winners on May 2nd, please reply me before May 7th, otherwise it will be regarded as giving up automatically.

如果沒有你喜歡,記得在下面留言(只會製作,票數最多的二個 )

  • If you don't like it, remember to leave a message below (only the two with the most votes will be created)
  • 気に入らない場合は、下にメッセージを残すことを忘れないでください(投票数が最も多い2つだけが作成されます)

如果出現平局,我會選擇我最喜歡的。 同点の場合は、私のお気に入りを選びます。 In case of a tie, I will choose my favourite.

  • 投票截止日期為2023/05/04 12:00AM
  • 投票期限は2023/05/04 12:00AM
  • Voting deadline is 2023/05/04 12:00AM