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Sorry I'm late to the party. Happy New Year everyone! Have you collected the December reward yet? The Artbae series is a passion project of mine and I look forward to making it every year. I hope you've enjoyed it.

I'd like to inform that there will be some changes in 2023. I've been making patreon rewards and taking on commission at the same time for years now, but its slowly taking a toll on me. I think I need a little bit room to breathe this year.

So after discussing it with the community on discord, I've decided to take on commissions every single month. But the artworks that comes out of those commissions will also become the patreon reward. This would massively lift a burden off my shoulders. 

But Tink, what if the commissioners request stuff that we dont like? You say. Well worry not, I will be selecting the theme myself. These are themes that I know most of my supporters are here for. 

Of course the commissioners themselves will get their own exclusive bonuses, they are paying for the art after all. 

That will be the main change in this year. Now I'd like to thank you every one of you for supporting my work. And I implore you to join us on discord, the people in our community are one of the most wonderful people I've ever met. And I hope you can be apart of that. Love you all. Peace!



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