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Hey guys I've an announcement to make. As you might have noticed this month's update have been slow. I've been trying to keep it low but I was hospitalized 4 days ago due a prolonged fever. I thought I could just speed up my work when I get home after a few days here but it seems the doctor is going to keep me warded a little longer than I've expected. I thought you guys should know this and I must express how much I appreciate all the support and kind wishes some of you have already sent me. Here's hoping for a fast recovery and getting back to serve you lots of artwork soon. Love you all -Tinkerbomb



Sorry to hear that TB. Hope you get well soon! -BM


Get some rest and take care of yourself, Tink! Don't worry about us.


Hope you're on the mend and feeling better soon chief

Ed Wood

Shit, man. Take care :(